Yeah this facts. Reddit is 99.9% white people i stg. No other demographic would say “Thanks for the gold kind stranger!” unironically
Whenever I think of Reddit I think of soy boys
Didn't you get exposed for being a half Hispanic guy who lives in Manhattan
Y’all niggas really be going around making up narratives about KTT posters, literal weirdos
Y’all niggas really be going around making up narratives about KTT posters, literal weirdos
I didn't bro, that's what everyone else on this site says and there's a thread of it.
Idk you though, just sayin we cool.tho
jesus bro, lock him up
Image pulled from Hiphopheads subreddit.
The audiences overlap you want it or not and don't come with the reddit hate cause you all use it.
So only 15-20% of this forum is black
There is a lot of undercover loser cacs in here trying to act black.
Comment your opinion below.
This post got some HipHopHeads energy
Please go back to reddit my guy
yeah man
shoutout sophie
Y'all keep shouting out mysterious weirdoes and I might just side with OP on this one
Pretty sure most recent stats were like 35% white 35% black and 30% mixed bag
Also there’s really not a lot of overlap between here and HHH as far as core user base goes
We diverse
Whenever I think of Reddit I think of soy boys
Facts bro. Every dude that I know irl who uses that s*** fits that description pretty accurately
Facts bro. Every dude that I know irl who uses that s*** fits that description pretty accurately
i'm one of the only reddit users with high test. i was also shadowbanned from virtually every community on there.
My KTT1 questionnaire thread that i did a few years ago (while full of troll answers) had ~30% being black and 25% white
My KTT1 questionnaire thread that i did a few years ago (while full of troll answers) had ~30% being black and 25% white
he edited the op but just read thru the thread
Damn wtf
My KTT1 questionnaire thread that i did a few years ago (while full of troll answers) had ~30% being black and 25% white
I know a lot of people on this site off of this site. KTT’s ethnical mix is pretty diverse. As I’ve mentioned before too it’s a lot more women on here than you think too. There are definitely some people blackfishing and even pretending to be white too
i had to unblock op to see what rètarded s*** he has to say now.