All he has to do is tap in to his old Brooklyn Punk vibe and he'll still put out bangers
he should take Soulja boy 08ish "kiss me thru the phone" type lane
let's be real his entire fanbase was 12 year olds anyway, this will be perfect
please let him know to reach out to my assistant for further invaluable advice
All he has to do is tap in to his old Brooklyn Punk vibe and he'll still put out bangers
He’s likely going back to jail for violating house arrest rules. I’m calling it right now, that moron did not read the terms & conditions.
You can see it coming a mile away.
He’s likely going back to jail for violating house arrest rules. I’m calling it right now, that moron did not read the terms & conditions.
You can see it coming a mile away.
Or this
He's going to put out a rap album and a latin album
Or this
i feel like this is his best bet
people like the songs way more anyway, they're more marketable and he doesn't have to talk gangster s*** on the songs
if he's smart he'll start making english pop too
I don’t get what’s so entertaining about him tho? Just cuz he does wild s***? I mean anyone could do wild and dumb s*** for Instagram