Imagine going to the gym during a panaramic
facts we’re in a pokemon and your first idea is to go touch a bunch of workout equipment?
facts we’re in a pokemon and your first idea is to go touch a bunch of workout equipment?
Working out during a panasonic <<<<<<<<
what you want us to do about it
You did not have to post this
He’s in emotional shock. Couldn’t keep it within I guess
Shoulda yelled at the workers and asked for a manager and got a free month or some s***. Nice job fumbling a come up you doodoo fingered s***head
Shoulda yelled at the workers and asked for a manager and got a free month or some s***. Nice job fumbling a come up you doodoo fingered s***head
Was at la fitness trying to get my squat game on. Hit 275 for a double and when I was going to rack the weighs I felt this smooth gooey substance on my hand. Looked down on my fingers and it looked like I dipped the tips of my fingers in brown play dough. Almost had a panic attack and thought I s*** myself in public. Rushed to the bathroom and I was totally clean, went back to the rack and one of the weights had brown sludge on it like it had been used as toilet paper.
Getting tired of this man
lol op clearly lying and hasn’t even done a proper squat before