  • Mar 17, 2021
    1 reply

    you not arguing in good faith.

    It don't matter whether it's loser or hate or whatever. The bottom line is, he mass murdered a bunch of asian women in places that asian women are being targeted. He's a terrorist regardless.

    I dont know what's the one up you're trying to get here.

    Yo what the f*** is wrong with this site now???

    All I said was that I don’t believe that this was a hate crime and i think it’s moreso some loser s*** and you’re trying to insinuate that I’m racist

    Just because you disagree, does not mean that my comment was made in bad faith.

  • Mar 17, 2021
    1 reply

    Idk where this rhetoric of Asians not supporting blacks or what not. Cuz I was out there this past summer and can vouch that there’s been plenty of Asians marching and supporting BLM. I got family in LBC and all the blacks folks are cool with Asians. Especially the Cambodians. So from my personal experience and where I grew up I ain’t see no Asians being racist towards blacks.

    Btw my prayers goes out to the victims and their families. This is a tragedy.

  • Mar 17, 2021

    Yo what the f*** is wrong with this site now???

    All I said was that I don’t believe that this was a hate crime and i think it’s moreso some loser s*** and you’re trying to insinuate that I’m racist

    Just because you disagree, does not mean that my comment was made in bad faith.

    I aint insinuate you were racist, I insinuated you were arguing in bad faith.

  • Mar 17, 2021
    Smacked Voodoo

    S*** losers be some of the most racist people you can find online


  • Mar 17, 2021

    Is there any gofundme or place to donate to the victims' families?

  • Mar 17, 2021
    No Diddy

    Idk where this rhetoric of Asians not supporting blacks or what not. Cuz I was out there this past summer and can vouch that there’s been plenty of Asians marching and supporting BLM. I got family in LBC and all the blacks folks are cool with Asians. Especially the Cambodians. So from my personal experience and where I grew up I ain’t see no Asians being racist towards blacks.

    Btw my prayers goes out to the victims and their families. This is a tragedy.

    The young ones definitely do.

  • Mar 17, 2021

    i’d say most old and likely immigrant asians tend be the racists. but just to say most asians, nah. if anything most asians don’t get involved or take a stance on anything. think it’s always been the asian thing to be quiet cause no one wants to f*** up their privileges. a bad thing forsure but times are changing. i see a lot of the younger generation of asians start to challenge their parent’s casual racism and passionately too. i don’t think it’ll more be of the same in the future, hopefully

    In america, it's a youth thing. More of the young grow up next to other people of a different race. So they are less tolerant of racist parents who grew up outside of the US.

    A lot of minority parents are racist just in general around everyone else

    Even so a lot of non-black people are heavily prejudice or still ignorant about a lot of things

  • Zach LaBeam

    Cops said he has a sexual addiction

    So he a h**** and racist dork who was mad he wasn't getting no WAP.

  • Mar 17, 2021
    1 reply

    I was thinking about going to get a massage this week (I live in GA) wow.. scary af

  • Mar 17, 2021
    1 reply

    apparently he frequented these massage parlors or some s***, sounding like some weird s***shit, including the fact that he killed two white people as well

    but he also killed at least 1 guy too

    so very confusing motive wise

  • Mar 17, 2021
    2 replies

    Asians really be like "stay away from back people" but ignore the race infamous for doing s*** like this every other week.

  • Mar 17, 2021
    1 reply

    I was thinking about going to get a massage this week (I live in GA) wow.. scary af

    Go get some natural p****

  • Mar 17, 2021
    hot pancakes

    apparently he frequented these massage parlors or some s***, sounding like some weird s***shit, including the fact that he killed two white people as well

    but he also killed at least 1 guy too

    so very confusing motive wise

    Yeah, it is weird how he drove so far out of his way after the first location, too. Seems like he was specifically targeting these shops.

  • Mar 17, 2021
    1 reply

    Go get some natural p****

    Nigga huh..?

    I got back problems

    ME I got a bad b****

  • Mar 17, 2021

    “racist losers” is a bit redundant at this point

  • eclass ⛓️
    Mar 17, 2021
    1 reply

    Asians really be like "stay away from back people" but ignore the race infamous for doing s*** like this every other week.


  • Mar 17, 2021

    losers at it again.

  • Mar 17, 2021
    2 replies

    It was asian women specifically that was targeted. This was a terrorist hate crime.

    I guarantee he went to the message spa with the intent of sex.

    In the message spa they beat you off and you go home, they don't do full s***
    They refused to let him f***, he probably became enraged, and he went off.

  • Mar 17, 2021
    2 replies

    why are black people being brought up in this thread

  • Mar 17, 2021

    why are black people being brought up in this thread

    Trying to figure out how and why myself

  • Mar 17, 2021
    1 reply

    Asians really be like "stay away from back people" but ignore the race infamous for doing s*** like this every other week.


  • Mar 17, 2021
    1 reply

    I guarantee he went to the message spa with the intent of sex.

    In the message spa they beat you off and you go home, they don't do full s***
    They refused to let him f***, he probably became enraged, and he went off.

    massive reach and generalization of asian owned massage parlors

    i mean this is POSSIBLE, but more likely this dude just fell into the racist rhetoric of covid being a man made disease from china and also happened to be insane

  • Mar 17, 2021

    I guarantee he went to the message spa with the intent of sex.

    In the message spa they beat you off and you go home, they don't do full s***
    They refused to let him f***, he probably became enraged, and he went off.

    oh s*** just read he apparently frequented these parlors you might be right lmao

  • Mar 17, 2021

    massive reach and generalization of asian owned massage parlors

    i mean this is POSSIBLE, but more likely this dude just fell into the racist rhetoric of covid being a man made disease from china and also happened to be insane

    I think it's a bit of both.

    Message parlors by and large only do handjobs hence the cheap prices. I still think he took his sexual frustrations out on them.

    In the grand scheme of things racial hate played a bigger role. But the fact that it was a message parlor also adds credence to it having loser roots as well.

  • Mar 17, 2021
    1 reply

    People be like “losers/racists at it again” but it should be white people at it again
