  • Mar 17, 2021
    6 replies
  • eclass ⛓️
    Mar 17, 2021
    1 reply

    i typed that.

    this u right?

  • Mar 17, 2021

    this u right?


  • Mar 17, 2021
    1 reply

    this tragedy only further pushes the problem that is anti asian hate. this s*** has been brewing for a long time and it took the pandemic to push it to the forefront. the sad thing is how it affects innocent people who are usually the most vulnerable. my grandmother is quite strong and independent and shops on her own in Chinatown and other areas here that cater to Chinese and Asian populations but we always tell her not to shop on her own and instead go with my uncle because of the amount of attacks that have been perpetrated in those area.

    on the other hand, I don't think people are getting the message that this is in fact a serious issue. my white friend was complaining about how a mutual was posting slides on her story informing people of this, saying that what she was doing was performative and that hate crimes against asians were not an issue and that she was doing bad for diverting attention away from more important issues like BLM. the thing that got me frustrated the most was the fact that my other friends who are Chinese agreed with him and are totally ignorant to violence that had been occurring in our community and neighbourhoods this past year

  • Mar 17, 2021
    1 reply

    LMAO what. This dude needs to be fired ASAP tf


    amazing lol

  • Mar 17, 2021

    i already know that this is gonna turn into a heated argument over whether this is either misogyny or racism meanwhile not a thing will be done to prevent these small brained b******s from getting a gun

  • Mar 17, 2021

    LMAO what. This dude needs to be fired ASAP tf

    that will never happen. who gonna fire him? someone else who feels the same way?

  • Mar 17, 2021
    2 replies

    maybe I'm being too generous here but maybe the police know more about what happened in the hours before that led to him going crazy like that? Like a possible motive?

  • Mar 17, 2021
    1 reply
    NBA GameBoy

    maybe I'm being too generous here but maybe the police know more about what happened in the hours before that led to him going crazy like that? Like a possible motive?

    They probably do but there can be no motive good enough for someone to just start murdering random innocent people lmao

  • eclass ⛓️
    Mar 17, 2021
    1 reply
    NBA GameBoy

    maybe I'm being too generous here but maybe the police know more about what happened in the hours before that led to him going crazy like that? Like a possible motive?

    idk about you, but if i'm havin a bad day I am not murdering 8 innocent people

  • Mar 17, 2021

    was so happy to stop hearing about these tragedies last year, it's a shame they've started up again

  • eclass

    idk about you, but if i'm havin a bad day I am not murdering 8 innocent people

    Isn't there a movie about that?

    That's bad mental health mixed with bad environment, personality, and circumstances reaching a rare breaking point

  • Mar 17, 2021

    They probably do but there can be no motive good enough for someone to just start murdering random innocent people lmao

    well of course I just think it sounds like he's hinting at knowing a little more about his day before the shootings than what they've come out about

  • Mar 17, 2021

    this tweet seems to take what the cop is saying out of context imo

    it sounds like the cop is saying that’s the shooter said, not saying “ahh he just had a bad day he’s normally a good kid”

    that just what i think tho

  • Mar 17, 2021
    1 reply

    this tragedy only further pushes the problem that is anti asian hate. this s*** has been brewing for a long time and it took the pandemic to push it to the forefront. the sad thing is how it affects innocent people who are usually the most vulnerable. my grandmother is quite strong and independent and shops on her own in Chinatown and other areas here that cater to Chinese and Asian populations but we always tell her not to shop on her own and instead go with my uncle because of the amount of attacks that have been perpetrated in those area.

    on the other hand, I don't think people are getting the message that this is in fact a serious issue. my white friend was complaining about how a mutual was posting slides on her story informing people of this, saying that what she was doing was performative and that hate crimes against asians were not an issue and that she was doing bad for diverting attention away from more important issues like BLM. the thing that got me frustrated the most was the fact that my other friends who are Chinese agreed with him and are totally ignorant to violence that had been occurring in our community and neighbourhoods this past year

    You lost me at white friend. A lot of white folks are ignorant I’ve worked with white folks and they can’t relate to minorities. It’s privilege they don’t understand. And your Chinese friends will bend over for any white man thats sad and pathetic.

  • Mar 17, 2021

    He definitely should have been taken in alive if Dylan Roof was taken in alive

    You're wyling bruh a cop killer is the one fugitive I can almost guarantee won't get taken in alive for obvs reasons.

  • Mar 17, 2021
    2 replies

    Killer's manifesto

    This is fake

    There is 0 evidence currently that this was racially motivated at all

  • Mar 17, 2021
    No Diddy

    You lost me at white friend. A lot of white folks are ignorant I’ve worked with white folks and they can’t relate to minorities. It’s privilege they don’t understand. And your Chinese friends will bend over for any white man thats sad and pathetic.

    ? are you saying i shouldnt have specified his race or are you saying i shouldnt have white friends? my friends are just ignorant and i try to inform them of these issues

  • I dont see how this is anti Asian, the guy looks like a mega virgin loser who tried to get a rub and tug and got rejected so he got mad and shot it up

  • Mar 17, 2021

    Anyone surprised?? They gone say he didn’t take his medication next

  • Mar 17, 2021

    I think the craziest thing bout this whole story is that buddy was smoothly detained, that pretty much speaks for itself right there

  • Mar 17, 2021
    1 reply

    Racist cops defend their people

    Not shocked

    Just kind of tired of the injustice that’s getting encouraged by trump / republicans / / whites people in power

  • Mar 17, 2021

    This is fake

    There is 0 evidence currently that this was racially motivated at all

    He said it was because of his s***addiction.

  • Mar 17, 2021

    Racist cops defend their people

    Not shocked

    Just kind of tired of the injustice that’s getting encouraged by trump / republicans / / whites people in power

    Trump gone find a new topic