1 in 4 men dont think they can beat a rat in a fight unarmed
i mean maybe it depends what you mean by "beat", in an actual fight it might be hard to pin down the rat and he would be able to escape
synopsis could beat all of these inferior animals at the same damn time
Both physically and in a debate.
man who are these morons
kinda funny how in the 2nd pic more women than men thought they could defeat a lion for some reason
Sounds like some people who have never been hit in the face
At this point I know an aggressive tween could take me out
Let alone a lion
28% don’t think they could stomp on a rat
half of those are probably just scared of it
u can get fined for just having an eagle feather
nigga what
I think if it was life or death in a ring the average man could kill everything there but grizzly lion elephant gorilla.
than strongest/largest say .1% of men could have a small chance against gorilla (depending on size)
lion elephant grizzly not unless ur lucky
no way the average man is beating a croc
one bite and its over
I honestly feel like I’d have a better chance against a grizzly bear than a Lion and elephant
nigga what
Unauthorized persons found with an eagle or its parts in their possession can be fined up to $250,000.
Unauthorized persons found with an eagle or its parts in their possession can be fined up to $250,000.
Well to be fair you gotta consider that some people have a natural talent for beating bears, lions and chimps and Its called having a fight IQ.
man who are these morons
kinda funny how in the 2nd pic more women than men thought they could defeat a lion for some reason
just noticed this too
you're not beating any of these apex predators
hubris will be the downfall of these dumbasses
I jab and move what’s the f***ing grizzly gonna do
eat you
Well to be fair you gotta consider that some people have a natural talent for beating bears, lions and chimps and Its called having a fight IQ.
Yes! fight IQ is very important when fighting wildlife.
Me and a kangaroo going the distance tho
Judges gon have to call it
I know all those f***er’s little tricks too