Tired of white surberban Caucasian loser who sits on the internet all day hating on young successful black artists who try to make a name for themselves
I’m actually black you peasant loser beta lame loser
I’m actually black you peasant loser beta lame loser
You’re also 12 so there’s that
These people listen to Tyler, Death Grips and nonsensical surbaban Caucasian music they can skateboard to
Most of the reasons I've seen can apply to people like Gunna, Uzi and Lil Baby but this site loves those guys
They ain't even hiding their bias for their old meme rapper
Imagine saying this while hating on another successful black man and defending one who jumps other black men and is good friends with actual pedophiles PNB Rock and 6ix9ine
literally just saw this cuz i already have that user blocked
Nice rebuttal loser
Every lady I ever touched down on got a fat ass and a pretty face continue projecting baby boy 🥰
These people listen to Tyler, Death Grips and nonsensical surbaban Caucasian music they can skateboard to
Tyler is black music. Stop hating on him.
He's kinda generic but makes good music for his lane so I don't understand the hate for him.
Then again people on this site stan folks like grimes and 100gecs.
Tyler is black music. Stop hating on him.
Never heard a Tyler song but I respect the speech made at the Grammy interview
Need more black artists out here
im stalking your instagram and girl....I DONT EVEN FOLLOW YOU
dude is def an loser lmao
Every lady I ever touched down on got a fat ass and a pretty face continue projecting baby boy 🥰
Says every loser ever
Tyler is black music. Stop hating on him.
he also forgot the vocalist of DG is black lmfao
Honestly tho I thought the one song where he made the gunshot noises for a hook was really good
Lowkey Sounded like the hood version of say you will
His output is dummy inconsistent unfortunately
Says every loser ever
If I cared enough to prove it I would but you’re just some goofy kid on a forum and I don’t need your validation <3
dude is def an loser lmao
Childish music tbh. That type of s*** might've hit when i was in like 9th maybe 10th grade and got played by a chick.
Cant imagine being a grown man bumping that song
Beta male loser losers ITT
Men are so trash
Men are trash cause some dont like A Boogie?
He's kinda generic but makes good music for his lane so I don't understand the hate for him.
Then again people on this site stan folks like grimes and 100gecs.
what grimes do to you
Men are trash cause some dont like A Boogie?
Men are worthless trash, it’s been known 🤷🏽♀️
Boy sucks !!!