  • Jun 2, 2023

    josh safdie c/o thomas bangalter when

  • talktohani

    Imagine how good a 9 track, 40min album would sound, wholy produced by them, and his vocals, my God

    It would be the stuff dreams are made from

    Daft Punk doesn’t make music anymore (at least not very much)

    They sometimes drop products that relate to their old albums but that’s it.

  • notbrock

    I just wanted one last album from them

    Me too. Happens to have been Random Access Memories.. have been waiting since and then when they announced that they were done I was like </3

  • Gojira 🦖
    Jun 2, 2023

    We can dream

  • Jun 2, 2023

    yea it is too much to ask