Johnson's ex wife is Cavill's manager tho so there's also that conflict. They were tryna lock him back for years
It's wild Dwayne tried so hard to save bro career cause his ex wife was prolly like "He needs us"
But tbh, I don't care. I think the last superhero movie I watched was ZSJL because I was waiting for it since 2018, and Shazam and Aquaman before that
I'm tired just to think about another superhero universe with 73 movies starting
We never need to see origin stories for Batman, Superman and Spider-Man ever again tbh
The Rock putting all that energy into Black Adam for Henry bum ass is proof you should never help a white man in need
Nah Gunn already confirmed Reeves’s universe has nothing to do with his
he might be on his obi wan "true from a certain POV".
If Affleck and Keaton not gonna be Batman, who tf is it gonna be?
Somebody else
Its f*** Max Landis
But ngl this would be the only way to make a Superman Origin now
Johnson's ex wife is Cavill's manager tho so there's also that conflict. They were tryna lock him back for years
For some reason The Rock having a wife is weird to me. He feels like an asexual business robot these days.
I think they should’ve stuck with Cavill and rebooted with him as their Superman, but it’s clear they’re tryna go younger so it makes sense
It would be way too confusing for the general audience. DC wants to solidify a cinematic universe that competes with Marvel. I think this was the best choice overall. Your idea could actually work but with Robert Pattinson's Batman
For some reason The Rock having a wife is weird to me. He feels like an asexual business robot these days.
i forgot its actually his ex-wife but they're business partners now
adds up i guess lol
lol let's be honest some of us may have kids by the time DC actually gets up and going again. I hope your kids make fun of you if you still believe and have faith in DC in 2032
Its f*** Max Landis
But ngl this would be the only way to make a Superman Origin now
I'd rather Birthright but this is also a good choice I always felt this would work as a HBO mini series tho given the time jumps.
You could do alot of big casting but not have to worry bout a season 2
For some reason The Rock having a wife is weird to me. He feels like an asexual business robot these days.
He has like 3 kids too lmao
His eldest daughter following in the family footsteps
Hol up
So Gunn working parallel with the Coates superman film means there’s gonna be separate films
But we can’t have 2 separate Batmen ?
Imagine they announce a rebooted Batman too and this is the picture you see for the new Batman
It would be way too confusing for the general audience. DC wants to solidify a cinematic universe that competes with Marvel. I think this was the best choice overall. Your idea could actually work but with Robert Pattinson's Batman
1. Gunn confirmed already Pattinson’s universe has nothing to do with his
2. General audiences would definitely be able to understand a reboot with Cavill still in the role considering the fact that he only had one true movie, and the timeline/canon in that universe was a mess anyway
Hol up
So Gunn working parallel with the Coates superman film means there’s gonna be separate films
But we can’t have 2 separate Batmen ?