I'm surprised nobody on here is talking about this series. I know how Ktt be though on they high horse sometimes. I never played the first game but it always looked fairly fun with probably a decent story. The whole rat infestation thing was cool and different for a video game as well. Tbh the series look like a last of us with a toned down violence and a toned down budget. Still the the sequel look pretty nice not gon lie and it got pretty good reviews and more importantly the fans seem to love it. GOW around the corner obviously but still for later. Has anyone here played this series
Prepared for the smoke the last time I asked if someone played a game thread got outta hand lol
I just finished it yesterday, probably one of the few games that really made me cry
It was amazing
I just finished it yesterday, probably one of the few games that really made me cry
It was amazing
Nice. How long did it take for you to play through the campaign. If it's not crazy long, but long enough to warrant the purchase I may cop this and slide through before god of war comes out
I will eventually. The first one was really good.
Apparently this sequel improves everything about the first game so that's good
Nice. How long did it take for you to play through the campaign. If it's not crazy long, but long enough to warrant the purchase I may cop this and slide through before god of war comes out
Probably around 15-17 hours I'm not sure but it's a really good game you should 100% play it
I also heard that playing the previous game was neceassary to understand the lore but I didn't play the first one and I still got a pretty good grasp of what's going on, might still go back and check the first one
I just finished it yesterday, probably one of the few games that really made me cry
It was amazing
Oh another question I wanted to ask was do you think its neccessary to play the first game to enjoy this or is it standalone. I know it's a sequel though with the same 2 protags but still
Edit: lol you answered this in your post above
That campaign sound like a perfect length though in this age of 129 hour ass games. I want something I can actually beat before I get tired of it
Oh another question I wanted to ask was do you think its neccessary to play the first game to enjoy this or is it standalone. I know it's a sequel though with the same 2 protags but still
Edit: lol you answered this in your post above
Yeah maybe watch a recap on Youtube of the first game if you wanna go straight into the new one
Yeah maybe watch a recap on Youtube of the first game if you wanna go straight into the new one
Not a bad idea. Forgot all about YouTube. The times we living in
Apparently this sequel improves everything about the first game so that's good
I think the first one was basically an indie game so it makes sense everything is better now cause of a higher budget. I'd play the first one if you can tbh cause the visuals/voice acting and soundtrack were awesome.
Wanna support them anyway actually highkey cuz they went the current gen only route with a niche title already not guaranteed to have the highest sales and they only charging 60 instead of 70
Prepared for the smoke the last time I asked if someone played a game thread got outta hand lol
You want to play a plague f*** this nigga blah blah but really lol dont let the haters get you I appreciate your threads I keep considering playing this one day I need to play the first one
Won't play till it gets 60fps
What you expect when theres 30,000 rats on screen
What you expect when theres 30,000 rats on screen
Played it at 30fps on the Steam Deck and enjoyed every second lol
It's a slow paced game so the fps wasn't an issue for me
For some reason, I just couldn’t finish the first plague tale. Tried it like a few months before requiem came out. I ended up just watching the story stuff on YouTube. Requiem tho? Man this might be a near 10/10 for me. I’m on the final chapter. Such an incredible game