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  • May 30, 2023

    s***’s crazy 😓

  • May 30, 2023
    1 reply

    we need the backstory OP

    that second video hard though

  • G Roy 🩻
    May 30, 2023
    1 reply


  • May 30, 2023
    6 replies
    Your Love Is King

    we need the backstory OP

    that second video hard though

    an influencer (woman) allegedly been with him, started to post screenshots of the relationship, and how he was f***ing other two woman, keeping the relationship

    she cancelled him bc of infidelity, nothing crazy…

    the next day, he shoots himself

    in my country cancel culture has went crazy, me myself been cancelled over some bs

  • May 30, 2023
    G Roy


    more context in english

  • May 30, 2023
    1 reply

    an influencer (woman) allegedly been with him, started to post screenshots of the relationship, and how he was f***ing other two woman, keeping the relationship

    she cancelled him bc of infidelity, nothing crazy…

    the next day, he shoots himself

    in my country cancel culture has went crazy, me myself been cancelled over some bs

    What country is this? And I feel you bro, this s*** has gotten a bit out of control. Dudes wanna go on a witch hunt and demonize a persons entire existence for one mistake they made in one point in their lives.

    People who attribute to cancel culture are immature as f*** and don't understand that humans evolve and grow as they make mistakes and learn.

    And there ain't no fury like the wrath of a scorned woman. Cheating is whack but I swear some people will act like you murdered someone dead ass.

  • May 30, 2023

    an influencer (woman) allegedly been with him, started to post screenshots of the relationship, and how he was f***ing other two woman, keeping the relationship

    she cancelled him bc of infidelity, nothing crazy…

    the next day, he shoots himself

    in my country cancel culture has went crazy, me myself been cancelled over some bs

    Although a s***ty thing to do, he didnt deserve to feel the need to end his life 😔 thats awful

  • May 30, 2023


  • You're literally insane if you think this is justified because a dude cheated on his girl lol....

  • Gojira 🦖
    May 30, 2023


  • May 30, 2023
    1 reply
    Your Love Is King

    What country is this? And I feel you bro, this s*** has gotten a bit out of control. Dudes wanna go on a witch hunt and demonize a persons entire existence for one mistake they made in one point in their lives.

    People who attribute to cancel culture are immature as f*** and don't understand that humans evolve and grow as they make mistakes and learn.

    And there ain't no fury like the wrath of a scorned woman. Cheating is whack but I swear some people will act like you murdered someone dead ass.

    Chile bro.
    yeah s***’s crazy, cheating can be f***ed up but its not a crime!
    he allegedly was depressed too and this was too much for him, but im still in shock, never saw something like this, first rapper that dies in my country and its by suicide… damn

  • May 30, 2023

  • May 30, 2023


    you dumb

  • May 30, 2023

    What do you mean

  • May 30, 2023

  • May 30, 2023
    1 reply

    so he hated cancel culture but then cancelled himself 🤨

  • May 30, 2023
    iCarly Japan2

    so he hated cancel culture but then cancelled himself 🤨

    We all get cancelled in the end

  • May 30, 2023

    People in cancel culture have the attention span of a goldfish. In a week they wont even know what they were even mad about. Bro should of waited it out

  • May 30, 2023
    1 reply

    an influencer (woman) allegedly been with him, started to post screenshots of the relationship, and how he was f***ing other two woman, keeping the relationship

    she cancelled him bc of infidelity, nothing crazy…

    the next day, he shoots himself

    in my country cancel culture has went crazy, me myself been cancelled over some bs

    maybe he felt guilty for hurting her?

  • May 30, 2023
    1 reply

    an influencer (woman) allegedly been with him, started to post screenshots of the relationship, and how he was f***ing other two woman, keeping the relationship

    she cancelled him bc of infidelity, nothing crazy…

    the next day, he shoots himself

    in my country cancel culture has went crazy, me myself been cancelled over some bs

    how is this cancel culture making him kill himself

    he got exposed for doing something awful and embarrassing lol that has nothing to do with the idea of cancel culture nor is the shame of infidelity unique to the past 1000 years

  • May 30, 2023
    2 replies

    maybe he felt guilty for hurting her?

    nah i dont think so, its hard to a***yze the situation, bc all happened in the heat of the moment, so fast

  • May 30, 2023

    R.I.P. him, it's not right either way man

  • May 30, 2023

    nah i dont think so, its hard to a***yze the situation, bc all happened in the heat of the moment, so fast

    you knew him irl well enough to make this discernment?

  • May 30, 2023
    1 reply

    Chile bro.
    yeah s***’s crazy, cheating can be f***ed up but its not a crime!
    he allegedly was depressed too and this was too much for him, but im still in shock, never saw something like this, first rapper that dies in my country and its by suicide… damn

    Shouldn’t have cheated and been too weak to face his guilt talk about a double whammy in the afterlife

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