  • Jun 18, 2021

    "To the Rothschilds, England's chief financial agents, Waterloo brought a many million pound scoop. ... a Rothschild agent ... jumped into a boat at Ostend ... Nathan Rothschild ... let his eye fly over the lead paragraphs. A moment later he was on his way to London (beating Wellington's envoy by many hours) to tell the government that Napoleon had been crushed: but his news was not believed, because the government had just heard of the English defeat at Quatre Bras. Then he proceeded to the Stock Exchange. Another man in his position would have sunk his work into consols bank annuities, already weak because of Quatre Bras. But this was Nathan Rothschild. He leaned against "his" pillar. He did not invest. He sold. He dumped consols. ... Consols dropped still more. "Rothschild knows," the whisper rippled through the 'Change. "Waterloo is lost." Nathan kept on selling, ... consols plummeted – until, a split second before it was too late, Nathan suddenly bought a giant parcel for a song. Moments afterwards the great news broke, to send consols soaring. We cannot guess the number of hopes and savings wiped out by this engineered panic."

    This guy also pretty much kept the Bank of England's gold afloat and funded the British army against Napoleon (no Dynamite). The Rothschilds are...pretty different

  • Jun 18, 2021
    1 reply

    Please put it in layman terms for me

  • Jun 18, 2021
    1 reply

    simplify this for a dumb nigga

  • Jun 18, 2021

    There's actually a film based on them. Pretty good tbh. Mfers will pay for their corruption nonetheless

  • Banana 🍌
    Jun 18, 2021

    "bought a giant parcel for a song"

  • Sigh

  • Jun 18, 2021
    1 reply
  • Jun 18, 2021

    simplify this for a dumb nigga

    The Rothschilds are...pretty different

  • Jun 18, 2021

    Kate Rothschild also just had a kid (had one before who's life was ruined by the Jay E-Ben Goldsmith situation, and died untimely) and is apparently signed to Roc Nation UK

  • Jun 18, 2021
    1 reply

    Please put it in layman terms for me

    Bc Nathan Rothschild had so much stock into the Duke of Wellington's army, he had agents aligned with him, and one reported back to him that Britain killed Napoleon before the gov't found out

    so, being as well known as he is, he ran to the stock market, sold all his s*** off...everyone else sold their s*** (thinking that the info he got meant Britain lost the battle of waterloo), the tanking compounded, then he bought at the low

    Wikipedia dubbed it the most cunning move in Rothschild history

  • Jun 18, 2021

    will peep!

  • Jun 18, 2021
    1 reply

    Ya know, truth is hidden in plain sight. Search the scriptures for the title "Duke" and one will have a greater understanding on who truly runs the world. At least grasp on who the Dukes are today in relation to 5000-6000 years ago.

    Ain't nothin changed but the weather

  • Jun 18, 2021
    1 reply
    Rigbisa Lee

    Bc Nathan Rothschild had so much stock into the Duke of Wellington's army, he had agents aligned with him, and one reported back to him that Britain killed Napoleon before the gov't found out

    so, being as well known as he is, he ran to the stock market, sold all his s*** off...everyone else sold their s*** (thinking that the info he got meant Britain lost the battle of waterloo), the tanking compounded, then he bought at the low

    Wikipedia dubbed it the most cunning move in Rothschild history

    epic gamer move

  • Jun 18, 2021

    Ya know, truth is hidden in plain sight. Search the scriptures for the title "Duke" and one will have a greater understanding on who truly runs the world. At least grasp on who the Dukes are today in relation to 5000-6000 years ago.

    Ain't nothin changed but the weather

    I'm not really much in the conspiratorial anymore, but I think it's interesting that we have millions of records of Vanderbilts, Rockefellers, etc playing chess with countries and armies and it probably still happens today and there's not really anything of note about it lol

    like the 21st century is gonna be some wikipedia section 500 years from now and one of the major sellers is gonna be "Bramblett Rothschild bought Malia Obama so he could produce black offspring and create another family branch" or something equally off the wall

  • Jun 18, 2021

    epic gamer move

    really puts this Elon s*** into perspective, that's for sure lol

  • Jun 18, 2021

    Met a Rothschild before, asked them if them if they were as wealthy as people pertain them to be, they said no but I know it’s all 🧢

  • Jun 18, 2021

    Also out on the tinfoil hat s*** itt

  • Jun 18, 2021


  • rano 🇧🇷
    Jun 18, 2021

    Napoleon (no Dynamite)

  • Jun 18, 2021

    The more you know

  • Jun 18, 2021

    been known the rothschilds control mad s***

    them and the rockerfellers