he’s better in every way but ok
Durk has better bars, melodies, flows, and projects in general but ard.
He couldn’t top what Roddy did
Oh u said verse nvm
Yeah prolly
Durk has better bars, melodies, flows, and projects in general but ard.
L post lmao
Terrible opinion but okay.
Before I listened to Youngboy, I was nothing. A loser you could say. One day my homie said, "hey have you heard Youngboy". I said no, so he turned on Slime Belief. I heard the pure emotions coming from his words. I cried deep emotional tears and realized at that very moment I could make something of myself. I turned my life around and became a very cool person and broke out of my shell. He saved me. I met Youngboy and he told me to "follow my dreams" and not to listen to the b****ass haters. Youngboy saved me. Thank you Kentrell Gaulden. Bless Youngboy. He is our savior. He saved me from living life as a loser.
I am unemployed & have never touched a woman in my life. I lost my father at a young age. I gave up my dreams, I almost killed myself..then I discovered NBA Youngboy. Through all my struggles, Youngboy was there for me. He fathered me & is the reason Im alive. Thank you Lord YB🐐