his personal highest in years isn’t really a high bar
people want real music
his bum ass should quietly retire
Why nobody drags him for not dropping album tho like nobody blames his label head or something
I understand getting at Rocky for not releasing much but yall be tryna act like bro doesn’t have fans lol which is hilarious to me because we’ve all been on the Internet around the same time of his entire career
I fell off from anticipating new music from Rocky years ago but I still go back to his music. Especially A.L.L.A
TESTING was a great album i've come to that realization last August
Heard it late af and I was confused. Like this is the album that's getting all the hate on KTT
Rocky gonna see this and be like “Cool I guess I still don’t have to drop an album yet”
"His album is coming out soon"
Again...why the f*** would he not be boosting the supposed singles that will be on the album then?
none of those songs will be on the album bruh
TESTING was a great album i've come to that realization last August
Ain’t great but it was cool
TESTING was a great album i've come to that realization last August
I’ve known since day 1