I KNOW Rakim bussin it down somethin crazy tonight
nigga was almost gone for 24 years Riri gettin no typea rest
Roc pushed the button
Yall niggas itt d***watching rocky is
W E i R d
That nigga burnt out bruh that’s prolly why Rocky wanted to put hands on em in the first place
Exactly lmao nigga bring nothing to the table but a empty plate
highjack was fire
I gotta listen to that one never heard it
He’s had 7 years man needs to just drop it and move on already. Brother needs to capitalize on a moment in his life for once
Bro gotta give us one more single about this situation
Rocky gotta drop a crazy single this week and album before March man, could lead into a wild rollout (which he needs) because this been one of the worst album roll outs I’ve ever seen
Rocky gotta drop a crazy single this week and album before March man, could lead into a wild rollout (which he needs) because this been one of the worst album roll outs I’ve ever seen
It’s honestly now or never for the boy
Rocky gotta drop a crazy single this week and album before March man, could lead into a wild rollout (which he needs) because this been one of the worst album roll outs I’ve ever seen
Wild For The Night Part 2
American legal system is cooked lol
thugger free
rocky free
now drop some of that music boi
What page of this thread matches up with the verdict announcement?
page 66 is when deliberation starts.
page 70 is when everyone starts waiting for Rocky and Rihanna to arrive so they can announce the verdict.
page 91 is the actual verdict announcement.
So we celebrating injustice now?
page 66 is when deliberation starts.
page 70 is when everyone starts waiting for Rocky and Rihanna to arrive so they can announce the verdict.
page 91 is the actual verdict announcement.
Preciate it
This was kinda close tho, if relli wasn't as dumb he actually might of won. Rocky gotta stay out of these situations
Wasn't really keeping up with the case - how was it close?