That last episode is the most like the office the show has been.
I love this show, but the love storyline is def extremely overlapping the office with Janine/Pam starting out with a dopey guy they’d been with forever when there was a more driven/attractive guy (who comedically plays the “straight” on both shows) who is secretly into the girl all along and waiting for them to break up.
Hoping that part will get more unique next season, cause everything else is amazing.
I love this show, but the love storyline is def extremely overlapping the office with Janine/Pam starting out with a dopey guy they’d been with forever when there was a more driven/attractive guy (who comedically plays the “straight” on both shows) who is secretly into the girl all along and waiting for them to break up.
Hoping that part will get more unique next season, cause everything else is amazing.
I saw some principal & Michael Scott similarities but nothing drastic to call it a copy just how they’re oblivious to employees feelings and narcissistic
I saw some principal & Michael Scott similarities but nothing drastic to call it a copy just how they’re oblivious to employees feelings and narcissistic
Ohhh yeah, that too. Both extremely incompetent 90% of the time, besides the 10% of the time when they nail it lol
I love this show, but the love storyline is def extremely overlapping the office with Janine/Pam starting out with a dopey guy they’d been with forever when there was a more driven/attractive guy (who comedically plays the “straight” on both shows) who is secretly into the girl all along and waiting for them to break up.
Hoping that part will get more unique next season, cause everything else is amazing.
Yeah it's a pretty direct copy, I hope the show comes more into its own because no one can do the office like the office tbh.
principal the goat
in the flagship "modern family" spot too. 9PM on ABC
in the flagship "modern family" spot too. 9PM on ABC
Happy for their success. Wonder how long they can avoid flanderization.
I finally watched this show after hearing about it over and over, and absolutely loved it.
I know it gets a lot of comparisons to The Office, but it reminds me more of Parks and Rec (which is obviously heavily inspired by The Office itself). I feel like this show and P&R are way more upbeat than The Office, which I enjoy. Parks and Rec > The Office
This might be my number 1 show of the year.
The Office is one of the worst things to happen to modern comedy. this show is actually funny and clever
This is not funnier than the office
It’s iight
Office after S4 is overrated
This is better than most of those episodes
Office after S4 is overrated
This is better than most of those episodes
Honestly I never made it that far
It does get better though I agree (Abott)
Yoooo thats wild! So happy for them