when was last school shooting?
USA been so brainwashed in thinking they need guns , they take senseless murder of f***ing kids/teens as a normal accurance, WAKE UP, s*** would never happen over here in europe
Imagine going to school scared for your life
I live in states and totally agree bro. I’m hoping for change in near future but it’s just getting worse.
when was last school shooting?
Need a "How many days since" chart somewhere
they say the suspect's asian.
......which once again confirms my point my g
Asians are practically white people though. The ones raised here are anyway.
USA been so brainwashed in thinking they need guns , they take senseless murder of f***ing kids/teens as a normal accurance, WAKE UP, s*** would never happen over here in europe
Imagine going to school scared for your life
Eh. I live around constant crime, so to me a gun is not a luxury purchase, it's something to insure I don't hopefully become a statistic.
Asians are practically white people though. The ones raised here are anyway.
Why y'all saying Asians = white people?
We different from them stop 😂
Or better yet why are we still acting like racial groups are monoliths?
The real issue starts at the house. All parents need to not lead their children astray.
For every white and ig Asian school shooter, we have gang members in black and Hispanic societies.
This is actually a f***ed up observation:
Black people can kill each other, rob and beat their own with guns right. No one cares.
“Group of white people are shot”
We need gun control!
Everything starts at home, we gotta observe our children so they don’t commit these acts. Be on top of communication with the teachers etc.
Most people just let tv & the internet raise their kids now. I would know, I was that kid on the internet.
Shooter used a .45 semi caliber pistol
If he wasn't asian the damage would've been far less severe.
Press conference is happening now. I live in DFW but mom is still in scv. Sucks feeling so helpless across the country
Shooter and 6 victims were taken to our local hospital and the Hospital tweeted that one female was deceased. The tweet was deleted maybe due to HIPAA but they are having a press conference after this one. Shooter in "grave condition"
Misinformation spreads like wildfire, rumors of two shooters, principal's dead, two pictures floating rumored to be the kid, random names thrown around, and worst of all a kid pretended to be the shooter on Instagram @nibba_leader for clout
Hit close to home watching footage of all the backpacks left behind on campus while all the school districts in the city were on lockdown. On the steps I used to sit on only 6 years ago.
Heart is heavy for my hometown today 💔
Hey, think giving these kids something else to focus on and a way to release some of this pent up frustration from unattainable p**** wouldnt hurt.
You have no idea what kind of positive impact it could have on their psyche to get over that hurdle that's they're so hung up on.
Paying for p**** will last maybe a few months until they realize nobody actually loves them without a transaction
Hit close to home watching footage of all the backpacks left behind on campus while all the school districts in the city were on lockdown. On the steps I used to sit on only 6 years ago.
Heart is heavy for my hometown today 💔
Crazy man
Just pronounced one more child dead at the press conference. Heartbreaking man
crazy, that breaks my heart
Hit close to home watching footage of all the backpacks left behind on campus while all the school districts in the city were on lockdown. On the steps I used to sit on only 6 years ago.
Heart is heavy for my hometown today 💔
How was the environment like at the school? Cliqueish? Lots of bullying or nah?