F*** this industry. I like video games but its not worth all that goes on. People getting their basic human rights violated over some pixels
Activision been the WOAT developer. They ruined Blizzard and especially Overwatch. Their CEO got a pay raise while they were laying off their staff.
Also why is it not surprising that the developer of COD engages in frat boy culture.
Gamers are truly WOATed
Lowkey don't even play games like that anymore because I'm past that
This is what happens when losers start making money and get a little power. Just lol at Silicon Valley.
Trying to cosplay as the bros who bullied them in high school.
If I didn't know how s***ty Activision is I would say this is a smear campaign. Just insane stuff.
Activision been the WOAT developer. They ruined Blizzard and especially Overwatch. Their CEO got a pay raise while they were laying off their staff.
Blizzard ruined themselves and Overwatch was doomed from the start. They've always had piss poor community management.
lmao all these video game companies complaining about crunch and deadlines when it sounds like all the do is drink, play video games, and harass women at work
Someone needa bully these nerds again, f***ing dweebs got bold
Ah fix bullying with bullying, that’ll finally work
Blizzard just gonna announce another overwatch character is gay and everything will be ok