The only thing I could see Sony do is the route Nintendo is doing with the retro games, which isn’t gonna really mean much.
these weirdos wanna fight instead of buying a Series S or building a PC like f*** off lmao
nobody cares
You replied in my thread first. I know you popped a little frown when you first read the news.
You replied in my thread first. I know you popped a little frown when you first read the news.
this guy has brain damage
console wars in 2022 itt
Console war this console war that
How about they console some b****es!
these weirdos wanna fight instead of buying a Series S or building a PC like f*** off lmao
You’re the one who came in first angry
Man admitted his Twitter is a Xbox troll account and then tells me I have brain damage lol.
console wars in 2022 itt
its not console wars
its Sony fans mad that they have to pay more money for less games and MS fans happy to have a sub and Sony fans getting mad at that
its just a fact at this point that Game Pass is a good service, nothing to go to "war' over
There are caveats here, of course. Smith does not commit to all traditionally multiformat Activision Blizzard games coming to PlayStation and Nintendo, nor does he commit to this agreement existing in perpetuity. This is to say nothing of brand new games developed within Activision Blizzard after a takeover takes place
From the article you posted
its not console wars
its Sony fans mad that they have to pay more money for less games and MS fans happy to have a sub and Sony fans getting mad at that
its just a fact at this point that Game Pass is a good service, nothing to go to "war' over
console war detected
its not console wars
its Sony fans mad that they have to pay more money for less games and MS fans happy to have a sub and Sony fans getting mad at that
its just a fact at this point that Game Pass is a good service, nothing to go to "war' over
Nobody ever argued it wasn’t worth it for game pass? You came in saying s*** about it for no reason lmao.
its not console wars
its Sony fans mad that they have to pay more money for less games and MS fans happy to have a sub and Sony fans getting mad at that
its just a fact at this point that Game Pass is a good service, nothing to go to "war' over
To be honest if Microsoft didn’t bring games to pc , phone , streaming there would be an actual console war and it wouldn’t be close
But you know it’s bait thread especially after s*** you was talking in activision thread
Like exclusivity on a call of duty doesn’t really benefit anyone . Why would I want PlayStation gamers to not play them at all vs charge them 70$ to help fund game pass and future acquisitions? PlayStation gamers 70$ helps pay for better ecosystem on Xbox . Same as what Sony doing with Bungie. The difference is we had to hear Sony fans and media b**** that Microsoft was ruining gaming of a game many of you said “ call of duty done it’s been trash I don’t play “ yet when its coming to PlayStation again y’all are hyped . Choose one goal post or belief and stick with it . Otherwise you look hypocritical. Microsoft could have made this exclusive to Xbox pc s*** they could have made it console exclusive but they aren’t the monster you think and in MANY CASES that’s what Sony is doing
0 acknowledgment or accountability that Sony is doing the things you fear Microsoft will do