there are two types of people in this world. people who admit that Grown Ups is a funny movie, and people whose comedy taste I will never truly respect
Honestly I loved that movie when it first came out but I really don't wanna rewatch it for some reason
Never even seen the sequel
Mr. Deeds a personal favorite
Yesssss. I love that one too. The part when he shows his butler his frostbitten foot is so god damn funny.
He's had some REALLY bad movies is why he gets so much s***.
Ridiculous 6 was beyond awful
This one wasn't too bad either from what I remember
This joint honestly slept on
I'm glad we're entering the era where its okay to love Adam Sandler comedies
I don’t honk ppl have always loved his comedies it’s just that he been in a lot bad ones in the past 10 or so years.