I love how all the comments are praising Adam for ‘the mere act of POSTING such a conversation’ and ‘ignoring the backlash and cancelling he’s gonna get’ as if anyone even cares about this besides nick/sneako online weirdo fans
I love how all the comments are praising Adam for ‘the mere act of POSTING such a conversation’ and ‘ignoring the backlash and cancelling he’s gonna get’ as if anyone even cares about this besides nick/sneako online weirdo fans
they want him to be canceled for this so bad
One thing that's never changed over the past 10+ years of the Internet is how trash Youtube comments are
I watched the whole thing and I find it very sneaky. I think white nationalists like to use ‘scary’ ‘dangerous’ information like racial iq differences or the heritability of antisocial behaviors, s*** that neolibs are afraid to talk about, to shoehorn this idea that inequality is somehow apart of human nature and that you shouldnt push for a more equitable society. Like Nick sayd something along the lines of ‘yeah well due to this this this you can clearly see that inequality is built into the pie’ and its like damn just call the pie capitalism and lets get rid of it. If behavior and IQ are party genetic then why not use this information to divert additional resources and attention to the affected communities instead of abandoning them to chance?
That’s a very good point but that’s why I think it’s frankly immoral to be afraid, or whatever motivation is at play, or discussing those things
This is perfect for the article I’m writing about how anti-Semites “detourn” normie cultural signifiers (like Fuentes d***riding Kanye) for reactionary political ends
That’s a very good point but that’s why I think it’s frankly immoral to be afraid, or whatever motivation is at play, or discussing those things
leo strauss all liberalism (even conservative liberalism) leads ultimately to nihilism etc etc
leo strauss all liberalism (even conservative liberalism) leads ultimately to nihilism etc etc
“Say what you will about… ethos”
This is perfect for the article I’m writing about how anti-Semites “detourn” normie cultural signifiers (like Fuentes d***riding Kanye) for reactionary political ends
would be very interesting to read if it gets published
what the f***
adam22 interviews controversial political figures all the time. i'm surprised this was a debate where he pushed back on the views tho, in the past he just had longform interviews with them
i legit have no idea who sneako is but i skipped to point in the video where he joined the conversation and man came in a flaming meteorite s*** talking jews
leo strauss all liberalism (even conservative liberalism) leads ultimately to nihilism etc etc
where can I read more about this
unsubbed after this s***, this the last straw. I ain't rocking with people that support giving a platform to this s*** whether it be Ye or Adam22.
Who is adam22s audience? I’ve never seen or listened to an episode of his
white kids that love to watch black people threaten each other.
where can I read more about this
he touches on it a lot in various essays/books; its mainly touched on in the below;
History of Political Philosophy
What Is Political Philosophy?
On Tyranny
On German Nihilism
The City and Man
Liberalism Ancient & Modern
that said Strauss was mainly interested in Hermeneutics, despite touching on politics he wasnt really intrinsically a political thinker.