made it 1 week no alcohol ...
A week is an achievement man if you can make it a week that's a great sign you have control
lol I already f***ed up
I didn't take much though. I just needed to cause my anxiety was too bad, I couldn't handle it. I dont think I can be completely off benzos like I thought I could. I just need to limit myself
lol I already f***ed up
I didn't take much though. I just needed to cause my anxiety was too bad, I couldn't handle it. I dont think I can be completely off benzos like I thought I could. I just need to limit myself
S*** I'm sorry to hear that :(
You ever check out the Ashton manual? I used it to taper off benzos after I was taking them for a few years, and it worked really well for me, they got a lot of different schedules.
158 days off the booze. I will never feel that way again :).