these were built in columbus, ohio 5 years ago
This looks pretty neat
most underrated city in terms of architecture
I owned a few apartments in Cincy. Not very well kept in the side of town where I was.
those are terraced houses
aesthetically they are really beautiful (most of them)
but I still prefer a house with my own green field and stuff
Moderately dense, great proximity to city center, public transport and bike lanes can be easily integrated, quiet enough
Problem is they’re expensive af
I wouldn't really associate these type of homes with gentrification. Many of those houses have been around since...shit the 1800s? It's always a shame when they get bought up and turned into those super generic and bland modern designed homes.
Absolutely gorgeous and an iconic look in brooklyn, boston, etc
Problem is you’re not getting one unless you got some millions haha
Dam they wanna b europe so bad 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
In America, yes!!!
I love these types of Victorian era/inspired homes the most tho
where is this?
where is this?
in Melbourne in Australia, I drove past it recently and fell in love
it was built in the Victorian era by British people which is why its got that architectural style
Nope. Need a detached home with my own porch, lawn, fenced backyard, driveway, garage etc
this. if i’m gonna own a home i better be able to play music loudly without getting noise complaints from my neighbors
Hey arnold is so forgettable to me
bad take
Moderately dense, great proximity to city center, public transport and bike lanes can be easily integrated, quiet enough
Problem is they’re expensive af
Absolutely gorgeous and an iconic look in brooklyn, boston, etc
Problem is you’re not getting one unless you got some millions haha
These are super nice. Just applied to live in one with a private balcony