Do you think about it and feel honoured that the wider culture has now embraced ebonic language, or, would you prefer ebonics to remain within the discrete confines of what you consider authentic African American spaces?
I mean I don’t really care but I do be feeling a type of way when I know someone switches their lingo just to talk to me in Ebonics. Just be ya self
I mean I don’t really care but I do be feeling a type of way when I know someone switches their lingo just to talk to me in Ebonics. Just be ya self
"honoured" is a wild word choice
but you also be making eminem threads
So what I gather from this is that you don’t feel positive about the mainstream acceptance of Ebonics
Not black but i support ya’ll niggas on here. Truly brothers from another mother.
Not black but i support ya’ll niggas on here. Truly brothers from another mother.
-white niggas unite #wedoexist
Not black but i support ya’ll niggas on here. Truly brothers from another mother.
I mean I don’t really care but I do be feeling a type of way when I know someone switches their lingo just to talk to me in Ebonics. Just be ya self
Not black but i support ya’ll niggas on here. Truly brothers from another mother.
Not black but i support ya’ll niggas on here. Truly brothers from another mother.
Also honoring the culture of African-Americans = reparations.
No the hell it don't, lol.
Every group of people that’s gone through a f***ing historical tragedy has gotten reparation as a way to get ahead after being put far back.
WE the ONLY group that hasn’t gotten that and still we financially set back. Man dont talk to me about honoring African American culture by Ebonics when it’s still hard to get a business loan lmao.
Not black but i support ya’ll niggas on here. Truly brothers from another mother.
? Explain
It seems like I'm misinterpreting your statement. I thought you meant honoring African American culture IS reparations, lol.
It seems like I'm misinterpreting your statement. I thought you meant honoring African American culture IS reparations, lol.
Oh nah nah
Not black but i support ya’ll niggas on here. Truly brothers from another mother.
When does your N-word pass expire?
When does your N-word pass expire?
Expired in 2020 during covid but my niggas said im good
Expired in 2020 during covid but my niggas said im good
An official N-word pass lets you use the N-word anywhere for a certain period of time as long as you have the physical or digital pass with you. However, the unofficial N-word pass that your friends give you by mouth comes with some limitations. It only lets you use the N-word around them. Therefore I would highly recommend renewing your official N-word pass as soon as possible to avoid legal trouble or ass whoopings.
Nope cause they stole it and tried to whitewash it like everything else from the culture. They call it "gen z lingo" and think it came from the internet with no mention or homage to AAVE/Ebonics. Go into the comments of any reel on IG and you'll see them speak down on us while using our slang. Rather have them go back to tryna lecture us on using "proper english" than that.
An official N-word pass lets you use the N-word anywhere for a certain period of time as long as you have the physical or digital pass with you. However, the unofficial N-word pass that your friends give you by mouth comes with some limitations. It only lets you use the N-word around them. Therefore I would highly recommend renewing your official N-word pass as soon as possible to avoid legal trouble or ass whoopings.
Wowzers! Thank you for the information my nigga!