  • MacLib?
    92 Til Infinity?
    Delusional Thomas?
    Pink Slime EP?

    Any other finished Mac albums we know about?

  • Purrp 🌚
    Jan 18
    2 replies

    MacLib I believe depending on Madlib’s irl situation after the wild fires

    I don’t think we’ll ever hear Pink Slime officially

  • Purrp

    MacLib I believe depending on Madlib’s irl situation after the wild fires

    I don’t think we’ll ever hear Pink Slime officially

    I think a lot of pink slime got given away tbh. One of the tracks ended up on Z and one ended up on rodeo

  • Giordano

    92 Til Infinity?
    Delusional Thomas?
    Pink Slime EP?

    Any other finished Mac albums we know about?

    MacLib maybe soon and then maybe delusional Thomas on streaming and I would imagine 92 till infinity in a while cause it seemed very close to being done

  • Would love to hear what the other versions of GO:OD AM sounded like

  • Jan 18

    Probably nothing for a while. Maybe some rerelease of stuff not on streaming and some anniversary releases.

  • Can we get this on streaming

  • Purrp

    MacLib I believe depending on Madlib’s irl situation after the wild fires

    I don’t think we’ll ever hear Pink Slime officially

    That’s getting dropped. Lib needs the funds. We’re about to see him work with everyone.

  • Jan 18
    1 reply

    what is pink slime

  • fakerickhoodie

    what is pink slime

    2012 collab with Pharrell