Nirvana is more iconic than KISS
But I mean in terms of rock music, yeah it been dead for a while now lol
Disagree. And if I see this Gene Simmons nigga on the street im beatin his ass on god.
to name just 3 in rap alone.
Adele could have been one if she was more active. Drake surely will be considered iconic?
Oh wait, I think he’s legitimately implying there’s been no iconic artists in any genre since 1988
hes acting like olivia rodrigo didnt just surpass prince with one song
this is racist as hell lmao
How’s it racist? I’m p sure he named MJ and Prince as iconic artists
This is moreso just boomer talk
"because the next Beatles or the next Kiss, it does not have a chance"
he really thinks Kiss deserves to be mentioned in the same breath as the beatles