@KTT2 That's what I've been trying to tell your dumbasses! I didn't post bomb Israel, AI did that!
@KTT2 That's what I've been trying to tell your dumbasses! I didn't post bomb Israel, AI did that!
what the hell going on
Image if after years of this you find out its just someone in a tech support office remoting in and taking control of your computer 😝
Those who were in the know were borderline doing this already with macros
I don't think Universal Basic Income will fix everything but eventually at the rate it's going, AI will take so many jobs that I think it'll have to be implemented
Those who were in the know were borderline doing this already with macros
I don't think Universal Basic Income will fix everything but eventually at the rate it's going, AI will take so many jobs that I think it'll have to be implemented
Nah they’ll use robot cops to quell any dissent and force humans to be slaves
Nah they’ll use robot cops to quell any dissent and force humans to be slaves
Sci-fi but I think probably closer to the spirit of the truth, if 25% of jobs were automated tomorrow, I'm not sure how long it'd take for the governments of the world to address it, stuff just seems to be getting worse with no intervention
Already learned how to do this with macros years and years ago for RuneScape.
Already learned how to do this with macros years and years ago for RuneScape.
doubling money
doubling money
How do they think my mining and woodcutting levels got to 99?!
Already learned how to do this with macros years and years ago for RuneScape.
Stop f***ing cheating
Already learned how to do this with macros years and years ago for RuneScape.
you ever buy membership?
Call me when it can craft a delectable KTT2 post!
@PhilipMorris We got another Tobacco lover here!
Nah they’ll use robot cops to quell any dissent and force humans to be slaves
I bet Elon will be happy to help