I do also feel like people will eventually look for authentic human expression
Maybe I'm being overly optimistic but when everything can be generated by AI, technical ability no longer becomes interesting. Artistic expression and intention becomes much more important
A lot of people incorrectly conflate difficulty/complexity with quality. When things no longer become difficult to create, maybe people start to look beyond using that as a metric for artistic quality
You’re right
No, quite the opposite. Putting limits on it for the sake of profit (like copyright stuff) or to "save feelings" is exactly what is going to stifle any practical use of it.
idk lol it’s just going to create a bubble on both sides imo
Outside of all the obvious stuff, murderers, violent criminals, genocidal dictators, this is one of the worst kinds of guy you can be
Outside of all the obvious stuff, murderers, violent criminals, genocidal dictators, this is one of the worst kinds of guy you can be
https://twitter.com/James_H_Oz/status/1758287191888028119I'm in tech and follow ai pretty closely out of curiosity but man some of the takes I see coming from people in and around ai/tech about art are truly revolting
One of the leading researchers for OAI (who just left) was on a podcast a week or two ago saying all movies made before 1995 are bad, boring, and naive. Said something similar about music too
It is sad so many people working on building tools that will completely change these industries know and care so little about the artistic process
Put me on, I’m not familiar
Next generation sequencing, cell free DNA sequencing, and really just huge advancements in genomics. So I guess to that guys point there’s hella potential for abuse there 😵😵
I'm in tech and follow ai pretty closely out of curiosity but man some of the takes I see coming from people in and around ai/tech about art are truly revolting
One of the leading researchers for OAI (who just left) was on a podcast a week or two ago saying all movies made before 1995 are bad, boring, and naive. Said something similar about music too
It is sad so many people working on building tools that will completely change these industries know and care so little about the artistic process
They're fundamentally anti-art, so many tech guys literally do not understand art and have no curiosity about it whatsoever, it sounds condescending and stereotypical but it's true, and in their ideal world, art as we know it is destroyed, something they basically know nothing about
I really, really hate these morons, but luckily I think the narrative of art's creation is important to far more people, I don't think audiences would even want full AI movies, imagine how much less exciting the industry would be without the personalities of actors and filmmakers
Gonna need the negatives for the recent massive advancements in cancer treatment
Artificial scarcity
The logic yall have is like we should give these people less tools for evil
So what what we go back to gengis khan or hitler? The problem is evil people with power not the tech
Niggas terrified of AI is hilarious to me
Who gives a s***
Yall are perfect for creating cyberpunk or bladerunner a reality
"Has done nothing but cause problems"
Chatgpt and deep learning software saves me like 5 hours of work every day. Jus cus u not invested in this s*** don't mean that it ain't a net positive
Kids are even learning anymore lmao
Just having gpt do essays for fun
Yall are perfect for creating cyberpunk or bladerunner a reality
Oh the horror
Kids are even learning anymore lmao
Just having gpt do essays for fun
I’m in college right now and you can’t just ask ChatGPT to write an essay and turn it in, you still have to go through the material and make sure it’s accurate, plus edit the paper to make sure it’s in your words
Knowing how to use AI takes intelligence as well
I’m in college right now and you can’t just ask ChatGPT to write an essay and turn it in, you still have to go through the material and make sure it’s accurate, plus edit the paper to make sure it’s in your words
Knowing how to use AI takes intelligence as well
No of course you can’t have a full essay written accurately but kids are submitting them anyway
No of course you can’t have a full essay written accurately but kids are submitting them anyway
And getting them s***s sent back
It’s basically like finding someone who did the essay in your class and copying like back in the day, let’s not act like the end is near