S*** still not working for me
!dream an exhausted robot working overtime to draw images
!dream army sniper aiming at man on phone who is sitting at desk with computer, comic style
!dream army sniper aiming at man on phone who is sitting at desk with computer, comic style
!dream army sniper aiming rifle from rooftop at man on phone who is sitting at desk with computer, comic style
!dream dream
!dream an exhausted robot working overtime to draw images
I hear ur one of the head honchos of the AI movement.
!dream dream
This would make for a nice desktop wallpaper
!dream an exhausted robot working overtime to draw images
!dream manic pen sketches of robot specifications
Not exactly what I was trying to cook but hol up
!dream impressionist acrylic painting of a fire truck, background on fire
Guys will see this and go hell yeah
!dream impressionism acrylic painting, swimming pool, surreal
!dream utter confusion, random, miscellaneous, vague, panic, hysteria, blurry, mixed media