  • Scatt

    jesus i can’t imagine this happening to me i would legit think it’s a drone strike or something

    i would s*** myself

  • met

    shouldnt embed this

    I read that caption and I’m not clicking that

  • Boyfriend and co-workers heard/saw the Learjet crash in Philly.
    All of this is just awful. Two plane crashes

  • Feb 1
    1 reply

    That’s just Philly in general

    Aren't you from Boston

  • Feb 1
    1 reply

    Aren't you from Boston

    Boston is clean and smells great

  • Feb 1
    1 reply


  • Two in one week nah something is up

  • Feb 1
    1 reply

    Was it a commercial plane

  • Puma

    Was it a commercial plane

    No private

  • Benjy

    Boston is clean and smells great

  • on my mama i had a dream the other night i looked out my window and watched a plane crash

    now it’s two crashes in the days since, i’m lowk freaking tf out

    and i got friends and fam in the area of both crashes

  • Feb 1
    1 reply

    Insane fr

    Why is he walking is he in shock

  • Feb 1

    Why is he walking is he in shock

    That and their nerves are destroyed & brain is scrambled and they don’t feel anything anymore

  • Feb 1

    Apparently, the aviation unit experienced a high number of cutoffs and firings due to "DEI."

    I wonder if the recent plane crashes are a coincidence that led to this. I can imagine the average American working in these industries being paranoid all the time due to the latest political and tragic events, rollbacks on loans, grants, mass firings/layoffs, etc.

  • monza sp1 x


  • Feb 1
    1 reply

    bro wtf this is like the 6th major aircraft accident in the past two months. obviously there’s hundreds of flights weekly but still what is going onnn

  • i have like 5 flights within the next two months

  • Feb 1
    1 reply

    there was a pediatric patient onboard that plane that just crashed s*** is f***ed up. the crash damn near looked like a missle strike in some the videos i saw

  • Illermatic 🛰️
    Feb 1

    there was a pediatric patient onboard that plane that just crashed s*** is f***ed up. the crash damn near looked like a missle strike in some the videos i saw

    terrible news man

  • Osama bin Harden

    Insane stuff


    RIP to all on board and anyone who may have been caught in the aftermath

  • Saturday

    Bruh this s*** is mind boggling, my work is like literally two min away and I drive this road all the time. So devastating

  • 2 back to back plane crashes is insanity

  • 3 different airplane crashes this week what's going on?!

  • it's starting to feel a lot