Adam a snake, he stay taking subs at Ak in his videos and tries to get guest to talk s*** about him. Ak > Adam
I love it when trash beefs with trash. Hopefully they both take themselves out.
Lmao remember when Cole randomly pulled up to no jumper, Adam22 folded like a dam chair
Dude looked like a deer in headlights
Adam a snake, he stay taking subs at Ak in his videos and tries to get guest to talk s*** about him. Ak > Adam
Nah Adam > Ak easily. Content wise at least. Idgaf about them as people
love to use rape victims as ammunition in a petty beef
akademiks has proven how easily he’ll dehumanize a person and their horrific experiences into a character or entertainment as “satire”.
Nah Adam > Ak easily. Content wise at least. Idgaf about them as people
Adam a better interviewer, but I feel that most people would rather hear akademiks take on news in hip hop compared to Adams.
Adam a better interviewer, but I feel that most people would rather hear akademiks take on news in hip hop compared to Adams.
Adam a piece of s*** but I'll give him his props as a host/interviewer because he actually has the gift of gab. Akademiks doesn't.
That would probably actually be an engaging piece of content LIVINGSTON
Lmaooo his FIRST name is Livingston