na this nigga needs to be punched
what he did to you, you always sound like its personal
Hard to believe ak did all this being a clown while millions of y’all do it free of charge
That’s gotta sting 🤭
All yall do is relentlessly hate on this man and now that he posts his nice new crib yall are swallowing his d***.
Yall are literal d*** riders and care about nothing but numbers lmfao it’s sad.
is this still a crazy thing
Nowadays it’s probably more impressive to pull this off without internet f***ery than other way around lmao
This nigga lives in someone else’s pool. inspirational.
the dajinism avi, she's so fine
Call enough murdered teenagers coons and you get a mansion.
cooning the wave highkey
Hard to believe ak did all this being a clown while millions of y’all do it free of charge
Damn fax
Here I am working a 9-5 making in one year what rappers make in
A single show
Here I am working a 9-5 making in one year what rappers make in
A single show
Start your rap career
What did he even do to get big
He started off on the coli making youtube videos out of threads on there
Crazy he paid to say the s*** we do for free on here