  • Laced

    Genuinely need his ass beat

  • Mar 3
    2 replies

    Imagine being Akademiks and hiring an intern to better your reputation and he just tanks it even further

    Yeah i have no idea why Ak lets this dude run his account

    But thats why I dont feel bad when people blame Ak for tweets from this account bc he clearly co signs it

  • mr get dough

    Yeah i have no idea why Ak lets this dude run his account

    But thats why I dont feel bad when people blame Ak for tweets from this account bc he clearly co signs it

    He’s one of Aks main people. I always assumed he was a fat black nigga like Ak but finding out he’s not even black makes Ak look way worse for calling this guy his man all these years

  • Mar 3
    1 reply
    mr get dough

    Yeah i have no idea why Ak lets this dude run his account

    But thats why I dont feel bad when people blame Ak for tweets from this account bc he clearly co signs it

    Ak was buddy buddy with 69 years ago simply because he was causing chaos. He loves that s***. Adam too. That whole side wants to just be insufferable for engagement and push whatever propaganda they choose to

  • Laced

    Ak was buddy buddy with 69 years ago simply because he was causing chaos. He loves that s***. Adam too. That whole side wants to just be insufferable for engagement and push whatever propaganda they choose to


    Dude got no morals

  • Niggas will hang out with pedophiles if they got motion s*** crazy

  • isn’t Akademiks Tv run by a fat indian guy?

  • Nigga waited for black history month was over to pull s*** this smh

  • Waiting on meek to respond

  • It's crazy cause if you use Akademiks death to promote Stake it'd do numbers just off this fat f*** finally croaking

  • It’s genuinely insane the lengths that Ak will go to d*** eat Drake

    Not sure I’ve seen a bigger groupie in my life .

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    It was all fun and games when schulz was making rape jokes tho

  • I know this mf did NOT just compare Drakes situation to Emmet Till, I just know that's not what I read. I'm going to pretend like I didn't see this

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    If you wanna get even more mad at this tweet, this the guy who controls the akademiks tv account

    That Ryan nice account is just as bad lmao

    If he’s the source I wouldn’t believe it got all them accounts blocked on my s***

  • XavierMane

    Drake needs to cut AK off forever. What was he thinking associating with that nigga?

    drake b packin that fat ass up

  • XavierMane

    Drake needs to cut AK off forever. What was he thinking associating with that nigga?

    Probably cause Ak was one of like 4 people that came to Drake's defense during the beef lol beggars can't be choosers


    It was all fun and games when schulz was making rape jokes tho

    Truly one of the weirdest attempts at "comedy" I've ever seen

    The sycophants laughing for him

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    That Ryan nice account is just as bad lmao

    If he’s the source I wouldn’t believe it got all them accounts blocked on my s***

    He ain't the original source just the only one I could find on twitter cuz al
    Kademiks keeps his dirt suppressed on twitter, that info been all over reddit for a hot minute

  • #Stake #Ad #GambleResponsibly

  • Mar 3
    2 replies

    Drake needs to cut AK off forever. What was he thinking associating with that nigga?

    Drake barely fw Ak tbh, he def been leaning on him more recently since he needs him but I’ve always got the impression that drake doesn’t like Ak.

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    He ain't the original source just the only one I could find on twitter cuz al
    Kademiks keeps his dirt suppressed on twitter, that info been all over reddit for a hot minute

    Reddit??? Cmon nigga.

  • mr get dough

    Drake barely fw Ak tbh, he def been leaning on him more recently since he needs him but I’ve always got the impression that drake doesn’t like Ak.

    He the only streamer that still hasn't even met drake

    Dude is nothing but a pawn to drake drake would never step foot in that musty ass basement

  • Mar 3
    1 reply
    mr get dough

    Drake barely fw Ak tbh, he def been leaning on him more recently since he needs him but I’ve always got the impression that drake doesn’t like Ak.

    it was less than a year ago that Drake had Ak leak Push Ups & added a clip of him to the official release

  • Mar 3
    2 replies

    Reddit??? Cmon nigga.

    Reddit stans get all the dirt cuz they follow all these ppl and listen to the full streams

    Aks biggest Ls are documented on there and hidden from social media via heavy payola lol