  • Oct 22, 2020
    1 reply

    yall are really looking too deep into this lol

    whether or not it's true, this s*** is wholesome as f***. Tyson almost looked ashamed to be from the congo (for whatever reason.)

    Akon just jumped right in and told him to be proud of his heritage. beautiful

  • Oct 22, 2020

    "This is why theyre at war now... they kill gorillas with their bare hands"

  • Oct 22, 2020
    1 reply

    Stop it. This nigga pulls on the average congelese man:

    You tellin me the Congolese man is gonna win?

  • Nobody human being can fight a gorilla with their bare hands

  • Oct 22, 2020
    1 reply

    yall are really looking too deep into this lol

    whether or not it's true, this s*** is wholesome as f***. Tyson almost looked ashamed to be from the congo (for whatever reason.)

    Akon just jumped right in and told him to be proud of his heritage. beautiful

    Tyson ashamed to be African/Congolese cause he subscribes to Nation Of Islam/Hebrew Israelite non sense and there's a distinct hatred towards Africans

  • Oct 22, 2020

    Stop it. This nigga pulls on the average congelese man:

    You tellin me the Congolese man is gonna win?

    all this nigga knows is survival

    id be damned if i were a gorilla and i got slumped by a nigga wearing these

  • Oct 22, 2020

    I can fight two gorillas bare-handed and win

  • Oct 22, 2020

    True bout most of those countries, but I have never heard anyone say "The Ukraine". That can't be right.

    Anyone confirm please

    I have.

  • Oct 23, 2020

    True bout most of those countries, but I have never heard anyone say "The Ukraine". That can't be right.

    Anyone confirm please


    its just ukraine

    also no the russia

    only the russian federation

  • Oct 23, 2020

    Tyson ashamed to be African/Congolese cause he subscribes to Nation Of Islam/Hebrew Israelite non sense and there's a distinct hatred towards Africans

    Damn well that’s sad as hell in it’s own way then

  • Oct 23, 2020
    yvl nightingale

    Skip to 0:39


  • Oct 23, 2020
    1 reply

  • Oct 23, 2020

    Joe Rogan has entered the chat.

  • Oct 23, 2020

    Tbh I believe it to an extent. They next to a huge ass jungle. I wouldn’t be surprised if they had the strength to kill some of those animals in it.

    Gorillas would body any human in the history of our species in a hand to hand fight. It's not even a fair fight. You know how a man can't hit a woman because of how much stronger they are and how unfair it is, it's like that but times 5.

  • Oct 23, 2020

    Y’all don’t believe this was possible back in the day. Same era when folks was making the pyramids?

    In a lot of cases, people were actually smaller back in the day. There's absolutely no chance any human can beat a gorilla hand to hand. Literally one punch would fold any human

  • Oct 23, 2020