  • Aug 11, 2020

    isnt akon african? didnt his boys help put my ancestors on slave ships? stay outta black folk business

  • Aug 11, 2020

    Smfh. This is another case of Africans looking down on African Americans

    He’s just ignorant.

  • Aug 11, 2020

    America should move past 9/11


  • Aug 11, 2020

    He does realize what Jim Crow laws were right?

    Obtuse niggas act like the US didn’t try to basically keep black people enslaved for over a century more after slavery ended


  • Aug 11, 2020
    1 reply

    America should move past 9/11

    In the words of daddy hasan

    Americans deserved 911

  • Aug 11, 2020

    I am tired of slavery movies though. Black ppl have done more than that tbh.
    give us more Hidden Figures, Waves, and etc


  • Aug 11, 2020

    Move on sure, but can’t forget.

    This too

  • Aug 11, 2020

    Na he worded it exactly how it needs to be. The point is that Jews go out of their way to teach people about the Holocaust SO it’s not forgotten feel me?

  • Aug 11, 2020


    why are we still having these? who wants to be reminded of their people's enslavement and persecution for centuries?

    I’m trynna make a movie about a runaway slave for a change of pace at least.

  • Aug 11, 2020

    In the words of daddy hasan

    Americans deserved 911

    damn thats a wild ass concept. never really thought of it that way but at the same time if we were only willing to act peaceful during a time of distress and go right back to hating each other after then i think we missed the point

  • Aug 11, 2020
    2 replies

    How hard is it to be a famous black man and not stick your foot in your mouth

    Wtf does this mean?

    “Shut up and dribble” headass

  • Aug 11, 2020
    2 replies

    Before yall destroy Akon though I must say, I can’t fault him for feeling like this. Being an immigrant it took me a long time to understand how slavery still affects people to this day.

    I don’t think he meant malice.

  • Aug 11, 2020
    1 reply

    Wtf does this mean?

    “Shut up and dribble” headass

    This is a coon ass statement. I’m saying how hard is it to not say something f***ing stupid. Calm yourself

  • Aug 11, 2020
    2 replies

    Wtf does this mean?

    “Shut up and dribble” headass

    i dont think he meant it like that. comparing akon statements to kanye, it seems like black men with money forget the color of their skin and move onto this unrealistic idea of peace and prosperity when thts the last thing white people want

  • Aug 11, 2020

    Slavery not something that can be forgotten like that when we're still affected by it to this day

  • Aug 11, 2020
    1 reply

    i dont think he meant it like that. comparing akon statements to kanye, it seems like black men with money forget the color of their skin and move onto this unrealistic idea of peace and prosperity when thts the last thing white people want

    Being a black celebrity in America (can’t speak for anywhere else) you’re already placed under a microscope. The entertainment industry is just waiting for you to slip up and say some outlandish s*** like this. Even if it’s out of context they’ll take it and run with it. Thank you for wording it better than I did

  • Aug 11, 2020

    slavery is directly tied to black americans place and experience in this society

  • Aug 11, 2020
    1 reply

    i dont think he meant it like that. comparing akon statements to kanye, it seems like black men with money forget the color of their skin and move onto this unrealistic idea of peace and prosperity when thts the last thing white people want

    AND? It’s one thing to criticize them for their views, it’s a whole other thing to suggest that they ought to shut the f*** up and not speak unless it’s the popular opinion. Wtf does being Black have to do with it either?

  • Aug 11, 2020
    2 replies

    makes me even more pissed off that kanye was coming from such an non genuine place when me made songs like new slaves. literally the only thing he gave a f*** about was his fashion deals. hes a billionaire, unless s*** actually changes in chicago hes straight up a b**** in my eyes

  • Aug 11, 2020
    1 reply

    This is a coon ass statement. I’m saying how hard is it to not say something f***ing stupid. Calm yourself

    You’re calling me a coon for defending another Black man’s human right to disagree with you.


  • Aug 11, 2020

    Being a black celebrity in America (can’t speak for anywhere else) you’re already placed under a microscope. The entertainment industry is just waiting for you to slip up and say some outlandish s*** like this. Even if it’s out of context they’ll take it and run with it. Thank you for wording it better than I did

    So all Black celebrities need to stfu and dribble? Lmao oh unless the white Liberals say what when and how they can speak ok got it.

  • Aug 11, 2020
    1 reply

    You’re calling me a coon for defending another Black man’s human right to disagree with you.


    I’m talking about Akon’s statement jfc I don’t even know you idc what your opinion is lol I just wanted to clarify what I said

  • Aug 11, 2020

    AND? It’s one thing to criticize them for their views, it’s a whole other thing to suggest that they ought to shut the f*** up and not speak unless it’s the popular opinion. Wtf does being Black have to do with it either?

    i dont event think that was the idea implied. all dude said was "how hard is it to be a black celebrity and not stick your foot in your mouth" meaning how hard is it to not say these statements that need to be backtracked, not that nothing should be said at all

  • Aug 11, 2020
    2 replies

    makes me even more pissed off that kanye was coming from such an non genuine place when me made songs like new slaves. literally the only thing he gave a f*** about was his fashion deals. hes a billionaire, unless s*** actually changes in chicago hes straight up a b**** in my eyes

    Lmao what are you talking about. Kanye literally got the president to enact the first real prison reform law in this country’s history. IN THE COUNTRY’S HISTORY. Like 1776-2020 there has NEVER been better prison reform policy whattt
