This one is sort of supposed to act as a true realization of the OG concept for the first game isn’t it?
@op we got a date
Cheaper on epic cause they are publishing and funding it
That’s cool
in in in
Hope there’s some investigative elements.
new trailer looks so fire
hate how unhyped ktt2 is for this, comeon yall
Control is one of my fave games in recent years, so naturally AW2 is my next most anticipated game (following Starfield)
now I can’t trade it in when I’m done with it
That’s probably their goal with going digital-only: to curb secondhand sales.
And they want you to buy the DLC as well (which personally I’m iffy about even though I’m a Remedy stan who’ll consume anything they put out).
new trailer looks so fire
hate how unhyped ktt2 is for this, comeon yall
I played the last game so long ago and horror games I got to be in mood I am consider just dont know if launch. This my favorite game that is like a movie