there's also an loser
Can’t be true…
Igor logo is on the bottom right
Kanye saying love on blonde
he said artwork B****
there's also an loser
Bruh can you explain to us the Paul McCartney theory
I do not think that's intentional
im aware
This more the entire album cover but I used to think it was a penguin on this cover for some reason
Holy s*** I always thought the head was a bird or something lmao
Took years before I saw the hand holding a gun
holy s*** i forgot about rome fortune
this is one of the toughest covers ever created and its just three superimposed photos put sideways
i f***ing love this album to death and i just noticed the big ass 3rd face in the back
this s*** is still f***ing hilarious
like why did they do that
he doesn't even look menacing or anything like he's just there
It plays into the Paul is dead narrative you stupid ass alt
these alt niggas are either alt right dudes or just dumb asf half the time
these alt niggas are either alt right dudes or just dumb asf half the time
I feel like im talking to high schoolers