hit us wit em
i feel like
honest for me ive really tried liking it ik some people prolly gon hate me for this but some of it i genuinely can't stand even tho it does have some v good gems
n w that bein said i think high off life p underrated has a lot of really good gems as well n i love the sonic direction
also i feel like dldt is criminally underrated in general n ion see drake fans give it enough love sometimes cause this s*** is amazing bro
also i feel like dldt is criminally underrated in general n ion see drake fans give it enough love sometimes cause this s*** is amazing bro
Wrld on d**** insanely underrated
MBDTF insanely overrated, TLOP underrated
lowkey i been meaning to relisten to wod for a minute i haven't heard it since it came out
tlop underrated i fw cause i feel like a lotta songs on there don't get enough credit for how good they are
!https://youtube.com/watch?v=3FnV-2fJLAk&pp=ygUVUGFydHluZXh0ZG9vciB0dXJuIHVw!https://youtube.com/watch?v=2d73_PnY5-k&pp=ygUZUGFydHluZXh0ZG9vciBzaG93aW5nIHlvdQ%3D%3D!https://youtube.com/watch?v=bHoiMYhQHSc&pp=ygUWUGFydHluZXh0ZG9vciB0b3VjaCBtZQ%3D%3D!https://youtube.com/watch?v=o0y4lkQBeXc&pp=ygUZUGFydHluZXh0ZG9vciBuZXZlciBhZ2Fpbg%3D%3D!https://youtube.com/watch?v=5Y6qc1howX0&pp=ygUZUGFydHluZXh0ZG9vciBhbm90aGVyIGRheQ%3D%3Dreal asl icl i need to relisten to that again same w rest of pnd discog i been wanting to finish it for a while
honest is my fav future album
yeah ive tried to like it n i can get why people do ig it's just not for me
real asl icl i need to relisten to that again same w rest of pnd discog i been wanting to finish it for a while
It’s prob my favorite project of his
also i feel like dldt is criminally underrated in general n ion see drake fans give it enough love sometimes cause this s*** is amazing bro
Top 8 Drake project
Hardcore tyler fans underrated flower boy
I think sometimes then safe pick gets disrespected by the hardcore fans
also i feel like dldt is criminally underrated in general n ion see drake fans give it enough love sometimes cause this s*** is amazing bro
Yeah this is very underrated
It’s his best & most cohesive work in a hot minute