56 nights still my fav future album
Everyone seems to think it's the worst of his 2015 output now
Off the top DSP by Big Sean. Don't think that album in particular is hated but him and his whole discography definitely hated
Anyone who dislikes this album wasn’t there. The singles off this s*** were ringing everywhere and it had a lot of good deep cuts as well
This will forever be GOATed for me. Lots of memories around this tape. I thought it got its love though between no worries and my homies still as leads. I want to say love me was on a version of this mixtape too but got removed and put on IANAHB2. Could’ve just been those projects came back to back and I am just remembering it wrong though.
mmmmm nice pick
Word to @edumist
u rly fw this like that?
Had no idea people didn't like this. This was so important to me in high school lmao
Word to @edumist
Bentayga and Never Stop legit 2 of my favorite songs of the year but can’t get with the rest of the album
starting to think that album was a lot of people’s first exposure to that sort of music
it’s similar to how they treated Let’s Start Here
That s*** really basic man. I love Drake pause
Imma a basic b****
Don’t call yourself basic but honestly i like some of the songs
CONFUSED! came on during shuffle yesterday and it was really resonating with me a lot, truly raw art
Honestly Nevermind is interesting cause imo it went from overhated on release to now overrated (at least from Drake sxn) but there are some genuinely good tracks on it (Liability, Sticky, Massive) and i have found myself playing it a lot, but i still wouldn't call it a great album
but also on relistens i've never noticed how sad the lyrics are on songs like Falling Back cause they get overshadowed by Drake's vocal delivery (which I think is alright but also distracting from the lyrics)
I kinda wonder what the album would've sounded like with different/stronger vocals from other people now
still gets weirdly hated on to this day. dont get it.
Dam ppl hate this? doesn't it have 2 of their biggest songs (at the time) on it
except the Michael Bolton track is WOAT
this a album i actually h8 it might b my least fav cudi
this a album i actually h8 it might b my least fav cudi
Yeah I don’t really blame anyone who doesn’t like it.. like I f*** with it but it’s not worth defending imo
except the Michael Bolton track is WOAT
This is in my top 2 Cudi albums with MOTM, think it clears MOTM2 easily
Yeah I don’t really blame anyone who doesn’t like it.. like I f*** with it but it’s not worth defending imo
i do fw satellite flight thats a good 1
who doesn’t fw that?
I remember like half of us liking it and half of us hating it when it came out
Probably a top 5 Drake song imo
Probably a top 5 Drake song imo
same twin
I think it only gets forgotten cause most fans came around to or found out about Future during the mixtape run. But nah, this album is what made Future officially mainstream before March Madness shot him up to Pluto
It’s a great album tbh
I spun it like crazy when it dropped. Probably my favorite from him
What's the consensus on The Massacre these days?
I feel it was deemed to be a "sophomore slump" for many years but there's many times where I revisit the album tracks there more than GRODT.
Great album and has some amazing production just wasn’t as impactful as GRODT or The documentary. The highs are better on GRODT but the lows are better on the massacre