I'm not not having a glass of red with my meal. That's against my culture
Thread is thinly veiled anti Italian discrimination
Zoomers thinking they remaking the wheel by not drinking lol keep hitting your puffbars and keep popping your antidepressants you losers
So is poison not physical poison?
Can poison not be liquid?
What are the parameters of poison to where alcohol is labeled physical poison?
Zoomers thinking they remaking the wheel by not drinking lol keep hitting your puffbars and keep popping your antidepressants you losers
Zoomers thinking they remaking the wheel by not drinking lol keep hitting your puffbars and keep popping your antidepressants you losers
Facts they not on our level #LiveLoveLaugh
i ended like month long bender a week ago and yeah, at first it's fun and lit but by the end of it, every drink absolutely sucks the life out of you. legit i was going like 6-7 beers a night and by the end of my bender, one beer had me looking like i got beat the f*** up or something. im taking a break now cuz i want to experience it again like it's my first time. i feel like my liver started tapping out
I got drunk about a month ago and decided to stop drinking the very next day. Honestly, it can be socially challenging at times, but if you're truly committed to quitting, it's absolutely doable.
Zoomers thinking they remaking the wheel by not drinking lol keep hitting your puffbars and keep popping your antidepressants you losers
Zoomers don’t drink because they don’t leave the house
Wah I never knew that
F***ing idiot
Op enjoying his juice box at a party as he silently thinks about what the party-goers loved ones would be thinking
"just made this thread to spread information, btw i dont drink either 😏"
So is poison not physical poison?
Can poison not be liquid?
What are the parameters of poison to where alcohol is labeled physical poison?
Lol I had title as mental and physical poison before
remember that the next time you drink you're actively engaging in self-harm
I'm on medication for alcoholism, it sucks
It's not that bad really, my alcoholism didn't progress to shakes until the last time I got drunk, more so to stop the cravings
Facts they not on our level #LiveLoveLaugh
This generation is even more susceptible to propaganda and social engineering than I think any previous generation. I say this as someone whose in their late 20s. People wanna be so high and mighty over personal preferences when they don't realize they're just projecting their own insecurities
How about we all just put into our bodies what we choose to and then later on in life face the consequences. Big tobacco won back the youth through vaping, fentanyl is still being found in illegal d**** or how about the bullshit they put in out food. yet people wanna turn up their noses at having a few drinks now and again or feel cool to admit that they don't drink or haven't drank in a while
This generation is even more susceptible to propaganda and social engineering than I think any previous generation. I say this as someone whose in their late 20s. People wanna be so high and mighty over personal preferences when they don't realize they're just projecting their own insecurities
How about we all just put into our bodies what we choose to and then later on in life face the consequences. Big tobacco won back the youth through vaping, fentanyl is still being found in illegal d**** or how about the bullshit they put in out food. yet people wanna turn up their noses at having a few drinks now and again or feel cool to admit that they don't drink or haven't drank in a while
vaping and big tobacco is a crazy one cause BT was losing their s*** over vaping becoming mainstream so they lobbied the government and bought all the main vape brands while outlawing what would get in their way while releasing completely faked research to position themselves lmao
the ones almost everyone is on now like disposables are objectively worse for you and more addictive than ever, crazy how big money can do that
3rd leading preventable cause of cancer in the U.S.
100,000 cancer cases, 20,000 cancer deaths each year
imagine the horror on your loved ones' faces lol
i definitely agree and i think people should know these stats, but so many things are killing us ya know. my grandpa has fr gone through at least three 24 packs of Miller Lite a week since I was a baby and he is in his late 70s and seems as healthy as ever. people pick their poison and whether they do it for the right or wrong reason, you can't expect someone to quit because someone on the internet said so. but best wishes and take care of yourself. alcohol is inherently bad but so is most of our diets, lack of physical activity, sugar consumption etc