Why is every other d*** illegal with the fake pretense of keeping ppl safe from danger when:
In 2011, 73% and 57% of the homicides recorded in the United States and Russia respectively were alcohol related
Alcohol was found in the blood of 39.9% of homicide VICTIMS in a 2010-2012 study of 17 states, possibly implying some escalation
Theory: alcohol is so socialized and tied in with getting s***easier that lawmakers would rather keep the taking advantage of girls part while cities approve a liquor store on every block where minorities live to wipe eachother out and fill the prisons
Those are just 2 papers I rushed thru and you can google a lot more, but imagine unreported data or OTHER types of crimes. Or even just car accidents. On top of that excessive alcohol use: itself causes 178,000 deaths in the US each year, (CDC) which doesn’t even include liver problems that might get recorded differently if it’s a gradual death.
Too many schizos from weed too and it continues getting normalized
Nobody is more violent from smoking a joint bruhbruh probably the opposite
Nobody is more violent from smoking a joint bruhbruh probably the opposite
Weed can make men schizo is what i thnk he was saying
As the world moves towards legalizing d*** use in the name of harm reduction and personal freedom, which a lot of places already have at the very least decriminalized d*** use (which only address some of the harms)
I think it’s important to not demonize alcohol, because it like all d****, can be used responsibly. It’s up to the individual to do that.
Although the harms from irresponsible alcohol use are arguably the worse of almost any popular d***.
The reason alcohol is legal when other d**** arent despite killing people, I think is it’s extremely easy to make, has been around for a very long time and is deeply infused into a lot of cultures the way other d**** are not or less commonly done. Also, when it was made illegal, people could see the comparison of a world with it was legal, then illegal, then legal again in a short time and they understood why it being illegal failed. (One of these things is d**** being illegal makes their consumption increase, counterintuitively)
The reason why d**** continue to be illegal, is because prohibition is actually succesful at a few things. People say prohibition failed, but it failed at keeping people safe sure, it failed at people having individual liberty, but it succeeded at a few things.
Keeping prison full, which people make a lot of money off.
Selling rehabs and therapies that have extremely low success rates, that aren’t based what modern science states in the true cause of addiction (environmental factors and mental illness)
Employment for large groups like police
More sales for alcohol and tobacco companies.
A way to discriminate against a wide range of different groups of people in general.
Theres a lot more. Also the fact that politicians make policy based on public popularity and not academically backed ideas is a problem too. People are told a lot of propaganda about d*** use in the media (a lot of which i think has good intention, people in the media are just honestly misinformed a lot of the time). So these ideas just arent popular yet, as the mainstream hasn’t caught up on where universities are with it right now.
The solution to these problems is social programs like housing, UBI, early intervention for people with mental illnesses, access to therapy. People having access to pure, uncut d**** where they know the dose. (Taking something you don’t know the dose of, or it being cut with something a lot stronger is what kills people. The dose is the poison, not the substance. Also not knowing you cant mix it with something.) So educating people on how to use d**** and alcohol safely, but not in a DARE Way, in a way that’s backed by current academia.
Too many schizos from weed too and it continues getting normalized
Dumbest s*** I’ve ever heard. Weed doesn’t cause it, but can worsen a preexisting mental condition. Basically your friend was already crazy, weed just didn’t make it any better.
Dumbest s*** I’ve ever heard. Weed doesn’t cause it, but can worsen a preexisting mental condition. Basically your friend was already crazy, weed just didn’t make it any better.
This is cope
Dumbest s*** I’ve ever heard. Weed doesn’t cause it, but can worsen a preexisting mental condition. Basically your friend was already crazy, weed just didn’t make it any better.
This is what’s happening! And also alcohol, lack of sleep, stress, grief, etc can cause the exact same issues. Along with lots of other d**** and medications.
Also parts of the plants, like cbd, have antipsychotic effects. It’s not even weed, it’s just the thc in weed, one part of it.
This isnt an opinion thing, it’s a well studied issue backed by concrete research. Weed is one of the most extensively researched d**** in the world.
It’s also very rare. You are right.
Nobody is more violent from smoking a joint bruhbruh probably the opposite
Weed can make you paranoid af
Too many schizos from weed too and it continues getting normalized
Dont derail the thread dawg
@op this is something i can actually get behind
Bro come on.
Weed gets so, so much slack when objectively weed overuse has its own issues
I don't think there's a point in bringing weed discussion into a thread about alcohol to deflect from the problems there but weed is definitely not a perfect d*** with no potential drawbacks
Weed gets so, so much slack when objectively weed overuse has its own issues
I don't think there's a point in bringing weed discussion into a thread about alcohol to deflect from the problems there but weed is definitely not a perfect d*** with no potential drawbacks
Weed gets so, so much slack
Weed just stopped being illegal (in most states) a couple years ago
There are still niggas doing time for weed charges in some of those states nigga tf do u mean?
Weed gets so, so much slack
Weed just stopped being illegal (in most states) a couple years ago
There are still niggas doing time for weed charges in some of those states nigga tf do u mean?
I'm not talking about legislation signed by 15,000 year-old white men, I'm talking about discussions we actually have on this board
I'm not talking about legislation signed by 15,000 year-old white men, I'm talking about discussions we actually have on this board
You said weed gets slack but lemme know when a nigga die from weed withdrawal tho
You said weed gets slack but lemme know when a nigga die from weed withdrawal tho
Idk about withdrawal but I actually have a roommate who got THC poisoning from edibles after doing like 300-500 mg a day, every day and ended up in the ER. It's a real thing
But people get mad af when you point out any potential issues with weed at all, that's more my point. This thread is about how s***ty alcohol is tho
Im still drinking but i have my hard limitations weekly. Pot does wonders in comparison but that will still also have its limits.