Garland so hit or miss, idk what to expect of this at all but I will check it eventually. Have u seen this?
what are the misses for you just curious and why and hits I know why cause I like Garland
This is the only reaction I believe
That is the tough part because the movie is so entrenched in politics and its a lead up to Trump election. I know cinematography, sound all that going to hit but the actual story I can't tell because journalist are very skewed to acting like Trump himself is the end of the world or not already displayed in America while everyoone in the world goes through it. I don't like that narrow mindedness
Yes Conservatives are passing crazy abortion bills all these laws . Yes its conflict with the party system that is increasing ( lol I have directly reported on it for 4 years in Chicago) but we all still go to work monday through friday and the idea that its suddenly all going to collapse is something I feel its kind of exploitative to play into too much sometimes
Welp, Alex Garland’s about 4 for 4 as I see it. Definitely one of his best and both his most accessible yet maybe his darkest (in my opinion at least). There’s this bleak undercurrent that doesn’t really let up for much of it (a decent amount of scenes that are just straight up harrowing to witness), but even with that it still remains a pretty captivating watch. For apparently being A24’s first blockbuster movie, I’d say this film is honestly the furthest thing from it from top to bottom. The action sequences are less show-y/cinematic and more akin to just capturing a stark reality in a certain point in time (especially with the very strong sound design making each rattling of gunfire feel legitimately as if you yourself were caught in a firefight). Could’ve potentially used a bit more scenes filling in the spaces for more character development, but that aside I enjoyed it greatly. 9/10
Thanks for dropping this I don't know if you are seeing my comments but is it possibly too on the nose in terms of current politics. Is it aware somewhat of more than just American partisan tension. I got to see cast again even but is it more diverse than just white people too
But imma trust in Vile on this one and IMAX either way
April stacked
Civil War
Spider Man 2
Lol crazy reaction
Comment on this but seen was taken down
Comment on this but seen was taken down
oh s*** what he say
I saw one saying essentially calling him a contrarian.
I am not saying any reaction is better than the other. I wish a guy acting so uppity would expand on what he liked and disliked I say that about all reviewers. In this case no part of me is worried about cinematography , performances, sound my worry really is on the story though
Especially because they billing it more like a blockbuster. This looks like his most straightforward film ever and I first fell in love with him for his cinematography on 28 Days later and I feel every movie he has worked on has had a surrealist twist on it more than this
There Garland said he wanted to make journalists the heroes in Civil War because in “every democracy they aren’t a luxury, but a necessity.”
This is the main thing that does have me hype though as someone who has been at some crazy crime scenes, a mass shooting and wants more journalist films overall
That is the tough part because the movie is so entrenched in politics and its a lead up to Trump election. I know cinematography, sound all that going to hit but the actual story I can't tell because journalist are very skewed to acting like Trump himself is the end of the world or not already displayed in America while everyoone in the world goes through it. I don't like that narrow mindedness
Yes Conservatives are passing crazy abortion bills all these laws . Yes its conflict with the party system that is increasing ( lol I have directly reported on it for 4 years in Chicago) but we all still go to work monday through friday and the idea that its suddenly all going to collapse is something I feel its kind of exploitative to play into too much sometimes
I'm sorry for making you type all of that out, I was just saying that cuz I don't like Garland.
But yes, I agree.
I'm sorry for making you type all of that out, I was just saying that cuz I don't like Garland.
But yes, I agree.
lol I am nerd and I am awake for Ramadan brother . I am always going to type. Why don't you like him?
lol I am nerd and I am awake for Ramadan brother . I am always going to type. Why don't you like him?
Too by the numbers imo. He takes concepts that could be interesting-- should be interesting, but barely takes them up to the surface, the result feels hollow and routine. Admittedly I haven't seen Men or the TV series he did, but that's how I felt about Ex Machina and Annihilation.
Too by the numbers imo. He takes concepts that could be interesting-- should be interesting, but barely takes them up to the surface, the result feels hollow and routine. Admittedly I haven't seen Men or the TV series he did, but that's how I felt about Ex Machina and Annihilation.
Annihiliation was fire potent ending in many ways yes it could have went a bit more weird but I liked it. Ex Machina I do agree though. Men was really really out there and that is why it was part hated . But it seems he is overcorrecting and doing as you said and being kind of hollow. Hollow in that sense often leads to a one time watch
great cinematography, great sound, great ambiance but like story just doesn't hit as hard
like some black mirror episodes the concept is like "wooo this got me " but the punchline is missing all the punch. Not twilight zone enonugh. Ironically how I felt about Nope in some ways but Nope had enoguh weirdness and liked its message so I mess with it
what are the misses for you just curious and why and hits I know why cause I like Garland
Men is his only weaker film which i still think is decent but for me was a miss.
Men is his only weaker film which i still think is decent but for me was a miss.
I think men is why I’m nervous I like men but feel like it could have been weirder earlier . Slower start . Potent message . Final 30 can genuinely only be compared to horror manga . Horrendously beautiful to me .
The whoke movie feels like a lot of filler for what could be a good hour episode of tv
what are the misses for you just curious and why and hits I know why cause I like Garland
Annihilation is a classic, Men is garbage and Ex Machina is okay but very overrated imo
@NobodyWins they said “ better than dune 2”
lol any time reviewers all use generic s*** like “ better than dune 2” rather than describe the why I get annoyed
lol any time reviewers all use generic s*** like “ better than dune 2” rather than describe the why I get annoyed
Lol they didn’t say better than dune 2 I was playing happy Friday I think dune 2 still got it . Imma watch dune 2 cause I really like Frank Herbert quote
Even if I wish it reflected more cultures ( same I feel about civil war too based on cast and trailers )
Annihilation is a classic, Men is garbage and Ex Machina is okay but very overrated imo
Men final 30 minutes is the definition of kino but I think it’s a lot of filler to her there
That is the tough part because the movie is so entrenched in politics and its a lead up to Trump election. I know cinematography, sound all that going to hit but the actual story I can't tell because journalist are very skewed to acting like Trump himself is the end of the world or not already displayed in America while everyoone in the world goes through it. I don't like that narrow mindedness
Yes Conservatives are passing crazy abortion bills all these laws . Yes its conflict with the party system that is increasing ( lol I have directly reported on it for 4 years in Chicago) but we all still go to work monday through friday and the idea that its suddenly all going to collapse is something I feel its kind of exploitative to play into too much sometimes
What gives you the impression that this movie is entrenched in politics? That doesn't seem to be the focus of reviews. And you said yourself the trailers don't say much.
What gives you the impression that this movie is entrenched in politics? That doesn't seem to be the focus of reviews. And you said yourself the trailers don't say much.
The idea they keep saying “ it feels like it’s imminent and very relevant for an election year “ but seeing more reviews saying no agenda so will have faith
Again I will be there imax day 1 on this one ( if not busy that Friday ) I am still going to ask questions
The idea they keep saying “ it feels like it’s imminent and very relevant for an election year “ but seeing more reviews saying no agenda so will have faith
It's probably just the concept of a divided society and seeing the scenario as highly plausible in the future.. but the actual storyline isn't very political. The Children of Men comparison is starting to make more sense.
cautiously optimistic, this is sounding nice. Garlands my guy but I’ll believe it when I see it
a lot of these sorta reviewers gassed tf out of True Detective S4 before it dropped
Thanks for dropping this I don't know if you are seeing my comments but is it possibly too on the nose in terms of current politics. Is it aware somewhat of more than just American partisan tension. I got to see cast again even but is it more diverse than just white people too
Honestly, while I did really enjoy the movie, it feels very clear where the movie paints its ideological line in regards to the political divide shown in it (especially in the beginning where it becomes quickly evident Nick Offerman's character is a Trump stand-in with a ton of real-life 2020 video footage of protests and conflict shown). That and as far as diversity goes, it is kind of a beige fest I won't lie (maybe a few side characters that aren't white, but they aren't in it for long). Didn't deter from my enjoyment of it though (everyone's understandably different nevertheless)