Idk man the trailer was so fire to me, hard to imagine it being bad
Trailer for this not fire. The tone of it feels off for a subject matter that some want to say more than it may on an election year too. Trailer 2 may win me back over . But normally garland with all his previous movies concepts I felt his soul this one feels the most bait like to me
Lmao bro I was thinking the same thing
Drive Away Dolls February 23rd
Trailer for this not fire. The tone of it feels off for a subject matter that some want to say more than it may on an election year too. Trailer 2 may win me back over . But normally garland with all his previous movies concepts I felt his soul this one feels the most bait like to me
It’s gonna be fire bro
White boys set up in skyscrapers n high rises shooting anything that moves is what I feel like would happen if a civil war were to break out. Them white militias are ready
if yal not f***ing with this I truly don't know what to tell ya...
this is gonna be great.
if yal not f***ing with this I truly don't know what to tell ya...
this is gonna be great.
is this a24's first imax film?
Doubt it. I’m pretty sure beau is afraid was even shown in IMAX
Doubt it. I’m pretty sure beau is afraid was even shown in IMAX
oh yea i do think i remember that
is this a24's first imax film?
Everything Everywhere (if we're counting limited runs)
Trailers say a whole lotta nothing
Is that a good thing or bad thing? Been avoiding trailers and clips for this.
Is that a good thing or bad thing? Been avoiding trailers and clips for this.
In this case a little worrisome without spoiling it feels like it may be too on the nose or straight forward . With not enough surreal from the what if there was a civil war question . Coming off of men and ex machina which were over the top weirdness and annihilation the fear here is that he over corrected for the hate men got and just made a very run of the mill movie . I will be there in imax and like the cast don’t get me wrong