I gotta see the full work before I judge it. Don’t have that much compassion for the lead actor rn. I actually have more compassion for Forest. Offerman is just fantastic in this.
Show is amazing. Feels underpromoted and underhyped and very niche, but I love everything about it. From the score to the visual aesthetic.
Quantum theory is a fun subject to try and wrap your brain around
The show is too drawn out and the characters have no personality.
it’s easy to fall asleep to thats for sure
i enjoyed lilys and katie confrontation a lot, but that was the only part worth watching of this ep
Few things-
1. I think this could’ve easily been a 2 hour 15 minute type movie. It drags way too much
2. Kenton as the main antagonistic is so corny lol, sure he was menacing at first but now is just corny
3. I really doubt the last 2 episodes will be mind-blowing/deep/thought provoking — but I believe in Garland so we’ll see
4. I get Garland’s characters are often muted and sterile, but Lily is a painfully bland character. The stuff of her as a kid added no depth to her, the actress herself isn’t bad but has nothing to work with. Just very difficult to center your entire show around a protagonist that is so dull and wooden, especially if they have a hand in “breaking the simulation” / changing the world / etc.
"we saw jesus on the cross"
Few things-
1. I think this could’ve easily been a 2 hour 15 minute type movie. It drags way too much
2. Kenton as the main antagonistic is so corny lol, sure he was menacing at first but now is just corny
3. I really doubt the last 2 episodes will be mind-blowing/deep/thought provoking — but I believe in Garland so we’ll see
4. I get Garland’s characters are often muted and sterile, but Lily is a painfully bland character. The stuff of her as a kid added no depth to her, the actress herself isn’t bad but has nothing to work with. Just very difficult to center your entire show around a protagonist that is so dull and wooden, especially if they have a hand in “breaking the simulation” / changing the world / etc.
I think she will
Her playing 3 steps ahead in Go, I think, will be important