The Who
That Alex Jones is a useful tool for… whomever.
That Infowars is an example of a limited hangout. Which is where you reveal some of the truth but keep secret the most damaging details.
Controlled opposition is pretty self explanatory but it’s when you create or infiltrate the opposing faction (typically a protest movement but in this case, AJ and his show) in order to control their messaging and public image
This is what Jones is. His stories are like… 30% correct but then the only language he uses to lay the blame is Jews/Globalists/Clintons/pedophiles which is wholly incorrect, obscuring the full truth - a limited hangout. And his crazy flamboyant antics make it so if you ever want to discuss anything regarding the “deep state” then you’re lumped in with the looney whackos at Infowars - controlled opposition.
Worst US president by a large margin
You’re joking. Trump’s presidency was a masterpiece compared to Bush’s. Trump did quite some good too when it comes to foreign policy and the economy. The last year of his presidency was ridiculously bad though, with Capitol Storming being one of the more shameful moments in American history. Also, he was a climate change denier. I assume he’s also going senile, the mans mind couldn’t handle the L’s he took in 2020. Still, better than bush, bush reagan, carter, nixon & LBJ imo, and of course the guy in my avatar.
You’re joking. Trump’s presidency was a masterpiece compared to Bush’s. Trump did quite some good too when it comes to foreign policy and the economy. The last year of his presidency was ridiculously bad though, with Capitol Storming being one of the more shameful moments in American history. Also, he was a climate change denier. I assume he’s also going senile, the mans mind couldn’t handle the L’s he took in 2020. Still, better than bush, bush reagan, carter, nixon & LBJ imo, and of course the guy in my avatar.
Trump promoted the destruction of the moral and incentived literal neofascism of all types, and crazy corrosive ideas, a s***storm
Trump promoted the destruction of the moral and incentived literal neofascism of all types, and crazy corrosive ideas, a s***storm
Even so, is that worse than for example reaganomics?
Trump was the worst thing coz he exposed the US for what it truly is
Covid did too
You’re joking. Trump’s presidency was a masterpiece compared to Bush’s. Trump did quite some good too when it comes to foreign policy and the economy. The last year of his presidency was ridiculously bad though, with Capitol Storming being one of the more shameful moments in American history. Also, he was a climate change denier. I assume he’s also going senile, the mans mind couldn’t handle the L’s he took in 2020. Still, better than bush, bush reagan, carter, nixon & LBJ imo, and of course the guy in my avatar.
Real. I think trump would rank somewhere in the middle for presidents. Anyone saying he was the worst just say sit because they lived through his presidency.
This thread will tell you all you need to know about how he's the worst. Look how mad they are that black protesters didn't get shot like Trump wanted in 2020.
Real. I think trump would rank somewhere in the middle for presidents. Anyone saying he was the worst just say sit because they lived through his presidency.
A lot of the presidents especially pre 1900s we dont know what they were really like.
Precovid trump wasnt even bad if we being unbias.
Andrew Jackson
pls explain how andrew jackson was bad with out looking at it through a modern lense.
pls explain how andrew jackson was bad with out looking at it through a modern lense.
what an absolutely stupid thing to ask
pls explain how andrew jackson was bad with out looking at it through a modern lense.
Indian Removal Act was still especially heinous even when looking at it in context of the times.. are you kidding...
pls explain how andrew jackson was bad with out looking at it through a modern lense.
He directly defied the Supreme Court for his own murderous personal motives
He also broke up the 2nd Central Bank and distributed the funds to local banks run by his political allies. This halted the growth of early market capitalism by limiting the construction of canals/bridges/roads that connected markets and slowed commerce. The actions of many of the pet banks let to immense inflation and the the economic panic of 1837
He directly defied the Supreme Court for his own murderous personal motives
He also broke up the 2nd Central Bank and distributed the funds to local banks run by his political allies. This halted the growth of early market capitalism by limiting the construction of canals/bridges/roads that connected markets and slowed commerce. The actions of many of the pet banks let to immense inflation and the the economic panic of 1837
andrew jackson is often seen as a top 10 president when you dont look at it through a modern lense.
"In perhaps his greatest feat as president, Jackson became involved in a battle with the Second Bank of the United States, a theoretically private corporation that actually served as a government-sponsored monopoly. Jackson saw the bank as a corrupt, elitist institution that manipulated paper money and wielded too much power over the economy. His opponent for re-election in 1832, Henry Clay, believed the bank fostered a strong economy. Seeking to make the bank a central campaign issue, Clay and his supporters passed a bill through Congress to re-charter the institution. In July 1832, Jackson vetoed the re-charter because it backed “the advancement of the few at the expense of the many.”
Indian Removal Act was still especially heinous even when looking at it in context of the times.. are you kidding...
not really tbh.
if we want to look at presidents through a modern lense then Trump and obama would be top 10 by default.
He high key was.
Horrible handling of the pandemic... Something anyone could've saw coming tbh.
Of course, no one saw the pandemic coming.
Has politically divided the country more than ever with his authoritarian rhetoric.
He's the basis of far right Nazi groups coming to light and proudly operating in public now.
Refused to accept election results and went as far as to convince his base it was all a deep state conspiracy which led to his supporters violently storming the capitol.
Was a terrible person morally. Would backstab his associates in a second if he even thought they were undermining him or criticizing his actions. His respect for people (even those he considers close), you can tell is so paper thin and superficial, I'm convinced he would start a smear campaign against his own kids if they disagreed with him.
Oh yeah, and since his b**** ass became president, I don't get tax returns anymore. I have to PAY TAXES... And I am by no means rich
Hess still a total f***er
Profiting off lies, calling grieving Sandy Hook parents "crisis actors", hes a piece of f***ing s***
Hess still a total f***er
Profiting off lies, calling grieving Sandy Hook parents "crisis actors", hes a piece of f***ing s***
broken clocks are right twice a day.
Says less about "liberals" and more about how reactionary politics and knee-jerk impulses governs over rationality.
Trump's rhetoric was enflamed most of the time but... did he govern massively different than Obama did? Not really -- and he actually did some good things, like pulling out of the Middle East, and brokering peace with DPRK.
The main lesson to be learned is that both sides NEED to stop taking the total opposite position of the other on every issue. You had Democrats trying to defend MS-13 when Trump went on his tirade about them, for f*** sake You can agree with your opponent sometimes. You can disagree without taking the completely opposite end of the argument.