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  • Jun 11, 2020

  • Jun 11, 2020

    and that's On GOD

  • Jun 11, 2020

    kanye might be the only artist that his worst haters still give him 2 classics at minimum LMAO

  • Jun 11, 2020
    Jodecidal Hotline

    Only CD, LR, Graduation, MBDTF are classics
    JIK, 808s, Yeezus, Cruel Summer are trash
    WTT, Ye, KSG, TLOP are good albums

    808s a f***n classic foh

  • 5 classics
    CD, LR, 808s, MBDTF, Yeezus, KSG
    4 great albums
    TLOP, JIK, WTT, Graduation
    2 good albums
    Ye, CS

    Produced 2 classics
    Be, Daytona

    Thats the GOAT

  • Jun 11, 2020

    We need to understand humanity as one species. We need to change our mentality, readjust our mindset and use that readjusted mindset to change the world. The only thing that can change the world is people changing. And we have this moment right now to just really reset because the world wasn’t heading in the right direction. Everything is up to God and we have this opportunity to collectively feel, to be saved and answered, to collectively think about what is happening really. We have this time to pause and reflect, to ask each other how we’re really feeling. What are we feeling? What am I feeling? What are you feeling? And then we need to ask what we’re thinking, and the deepest level is knowing. That gut feeling. I believe that things can be simplified. We’re over inundated with everything and now we have the opportunity to readjust and focus on the essential and the simple things.

  • Jun 11, 2020
    1 reply

    Cruel Summer and Jesus is King are not classics

  • Jun 11, 2020

    Ye is his worst album though

  • Jun 11, 2020


  • Jun 11, 2020
    1 reply

    Yeah. Last summer I was building these homeless shelters, and a lot of the times when people build homeless shelters they build it like, ‘oh it’s for the homeless,’ whatever, but I want to build something with taste, an actual home. And people start to say, well what about the d****, or the mental health problems. Take a gated community, I believe the d*** and mental health problems there are equal to the d*** and mental health problems of the homeless. The idea was to make a space that was also going to inspire, and in a place that I would live in, so I called it the T-shirt of homes because a billionaire can have a T-shirt and a homeless person can have a T-shirt. We had to go where we could build it. We studied communal living in Africa, we studied organic farming, we studied solar energy. This is one of the opportunities we have right now. We’re learning how to build a city. You can go to a tattoo artist, and they have the worst tattoos in the world, but they’re the best artist. Why? Because they practised on themselves. Like if you take a lot of my media from the last past 20 years, well I was practising on myself.

  • Jun 11, 2020


  • Jun 11, 2020

    Cruel Summer and Jesus is King are not classics

    You have a blessed day.
    Love to the family!

  • Jun 11, 2020

    i mean you're not lying

  • Jun 11, 2020

    if black say ur capping...

  • Jun 11, 2020
    1 reply

    Ye not aclassic

    That s*** still stinks

  • Jun 11, 2020

    (For a ye album)

  • Jun 11, 2020
    1 reply

    Hate to see you miss out on godliness

    I love god. I love Kanye. Cruel Summer, Ye, and JIK are all mid for Kanye albums and that’s o k a y t o a d m i t

  • Jun 11, 2020

    Ye not aclassic

    That s*** still stinks

    too many classics, lost count.

  • Jun 11, 2020
    1 reply

    Yeah. Last summer I was building these homeless shelters, and a lot of the times when people build homeless shelters they build it like, ‘oh it’s for the homeless,’ whatever, but I want to build something with taste, an actual home. And people start to say, well what about the d****, or the mental health problems. Take a gated community, I believe the d*** and mental health problems there are equal to the d*** and mental health problems of the homeless. The idea was to make a space that was also going to inspire, and in a place that I would live in, so I called it the T-shirt of homes because a billionaire can have a T-shirt and a homeless person can have a T-shirt. We had to go where we could build it. We studied communal living in Africa, we studied organic farming, we studied solar energy. This is one of the opportunities we have right now. We’re learning how to build a city. You can go to a tattoo artist, and they have the worst tattoos in the world, but they’re the best artist. Why? Because they practised on themselves. Like if you take a lot of my media from the last past 20 years, well I was practising on myself.


  • Jun 11, 2020


  • Jun 11, 2020
    Kanye 2024

    I love god. I love Kanye. Cruel Summer, Ye, and JIK are all mid for Kanye albums and that’s o k a y t o a d m i t

    ”I love god. I love Kanye.”

  • Jun 11, 2020
    1 reply
    Jodecidal Hotline

    Only CD, LR, Graduation, MBDTF are classics
    JIK, 808s, Yeezus, Cruel Summer are trash
    WTT, Ye, KSG, TLOP are good albums

    This a worse take than OP’s

  • Jun 11, 2020

    This a worse take than OP’s

    Literally was dying of laughter for 7 minutes now

  • Jun 11, 2020

    cruelest summer and ye are duds

    Lmfao duds don’t feel this good

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