this is throwing off my chi
I've been rude to him but nothing I say sticks because of short term memory loss
I just want to stop talking to dude
or tell him he's a narcissist and f*** off
I can keep trolling him
but he can't remember the trolls
I want to say
all u do is talk about yourself. youre a narcissist
f*** off.
but I can't do that because he's my uncle and his life is vaguely interesting
I am going to call him out if he's awake when I get home
I switched my work schedule so I didn't have to see him
then he adjusted his sleep schedule so he can talk to me
I can't get away from this mook
may just have to put on my big boy pants and get my own place
Probably gotta get your own place, unless it's free rent cause then. . . . I'd sit down and listen to some stories.
Nigga said his life is vaguely interesting and won't give us the details
crackhead in aa. picks fights with recovering addicts at aa meetings. got arrested for possession. somehow got a job recently for 70/hr despite not having a license and assaulting a police officer
he just can't stop talking about himself
and the big book
that's what they call that AA bullshit book they think is a bible
But does he love you?
in his own f***ed up way I guess
nobody in my family knows how to love or what love is
Probably gotta get your own place, unless it's free rent cause then. . . . I'd sit down and listen to some stories.
I work with cognitively declined ppl and get paid to listen to their stories
and they're more giving!
this guy is a torture. he's braindamaged from crack and stays up to talk to me
I work with cognitively declined ppl and get paid to listen to their stories
and they're more giving!
this guy is a torture. he's braindamaged from crack and stays up to talk to me
Op mad cause he works overtime
LMAO, stay strong
this dude has f***ed me up for the last time
I am just going to be frank with him
ur a narcissist bud
all u do is talk about yourself
I don't want to talk to u anymore
I don't want to hear about your sobriety
your wife
your life
your court case
your job
kindly f*** off
just because im in the living room doesn't mean I want to talk to u
but I cant say this because he's a nice guy overall
I feel bad for the sonofabitch
hes a recovering crackhead
Christ needs to school me today
no wonder he keeps disciplining me rapidly
write a book about him he seems interesting
his son wants me to
he is interesting
he's mentally like 13 yrs old
has dyslexia
paid people to do his schoolwork so he could graduate hs
they graduated him so they could get rid of him even though he never attended gym class
I don't think you're mentally sane.
I don't think you're mentally sane.
I don't think so either
sometimes I think i'm the only sane one and everyone else is crazy
but mostly I agree
thinking about buying a bottle of wine and getting drunk in front of him
I don't drink but this will set him off
or I could put cranberry juice in it and pretend im drunk
the only way to face a s***head is s***faced.
Op mad cause he works overtime
LMAO, stay strong
this overtime is f***ing killing me
some say no to overtime
discman can't.
You have a lot more common with your uncle then think ๐๐
i heard u like to skiball
recovering crackhead uncle started arguing with drunk uncle who lives in the basement about whether or not vegetables are nutritious. they proceeded to scream at each other for 20 minutes.
I was upstairs in bed catatonic but in my head laughing my ass off
it was the most awkward argument I ever heard
crackhead uncle got in drunk uncle's face and kept saying SUGAR over and over again.
this s*** is hilarious
I haven't talked to drunk uncle in basement in over a year because he can be vicious when he is drunk
crackhead uncle isn't really talking to me much anymore since I told him he was a narcissist.
drunk uncle really threw a monkey wrench in this household f***ing idiot