I don’t think the verse deserves the hate tbh
i mean they slid on giggs too and his verse was hard (imo)
i mean they slid on giggs too and his verse was hard (imo)
Ima come clean I wasn’t feeling Giggs on KMT
That was one of my favorite songs on More Life and I skipped bruh part every time
@playboicarti Don't listen to them, Jordan. I still love you.
only 1 of these has even 1k+ likes lmao
Tag his name in the search bar, and each tweet is roasting him
only 1 of these has even 1k+ likes lmao
go on twitter tho and you'll see other similar tweets w +1k likes
everyone gonna love this verse like they did Uzi on bad n boujee lmao
this would not be one of those cases cause uzi verse was hard on first listen
only 1 of these has even 1k+ likes lmao
Last night carti was trending and i was scrolling through and like 95% of the tweets were clowning him lol