F*** you @op
People really can’t just think for themselves. Capitalism has really tricked people into thinking they need to watch it every year. Even got some people who say “I only watch for the commercials”
Facts. Imagine telling people 50 years ago you'd watch TV for the ads.
OP didn’t get invited to a superbowl party and now he alone and mad on a dying nazi rapper forum
@op Neo in the matrix
You all are npc’s
I don’t even watch the sport but I’m going to watch it with the homies for the sake of kicking back and enjoying each other’s company. I don't even know what team is playing. Nor do I know what a first down is. I know the touch down is 6 Points, though, and when they kick it through the large two-pronged fork contraption they get an additional point.
You during the game:
This is your brain on 🅱️ommunism.
then don’t watch it douche bag
dumbfucks like you are why everyone thinks leftists are weirdos and don’t take us seriously. Go vote blue and shut the f*** up
Some ppl just wanna be apart of it for the conversation/social aspect of it u dork calm down
OP right but it isn’t going to stop me from watching. The reactions ITT are stronger evidence of your point than the actual game and the spectacle of it itself tbh. People love to claim that it isn’t that deep but it absolutely is and the fact that most people either don’t realize or care to acknowledge it is what’s really scary but oh well, as our culture slowly descends into the lonely, dark abyss, at least we’ll always have KTT
Just hit the shooting range now cracking beers with the bros until game time
imagine not enjoying this day
It's the most popular sport in the country bro people are going to watch because of that. I wouldn't call it dystopian at all