  • What up everybody, I figured this might be a fun idea. All time NBA draft, everyone votes on what the best roster is

    15-20 teams, 10 rounds per team

    Quote if youre in

  • sense ๐Ÿ€
    Apr 17, 2020
    2 replies


  • Apr 17, 2020
    Jeff Bezos Stan

    What up everybody, I figured this might be a fun idea. All time NBA draft, everyone votes on what the best roster is

    15-20 teams, 10 rounds per team

    Quote if youre in

  • Apr 17, 2020


  • Apr 17, 2020
    Jeff Bezos Stan

    What up everybody, I figured this might be a fun idea. All time NBA draft, everyone votes on what the best roster is

    15-20 teams, 10 rounds per team

    Quote if youre in

  • Apr 18, 2020
    Jeff Bezos Stan

    What up everybody, I figured this might be a fun idea. All time NBA draft, everyone votes on what the best roster is

    15-20 teams, 10 rounds per team

    Quote if youre in

  • Apr 18, 2020


  • Apr 18, 2020
    2 replies

    Kobe my first pick

  • Took my hat off ๐Ÿงข
    Apr 18, 2020
    Jeff Bezos Stan

    What up everybody, I figured this might be a fun idea. All time NBA draft, everyone votes on what the best roster is

    15-20 teams, 10 rounds per team

    Quote if youre in

  • Took my hat off ๐Ÿงข
    Apr 18, 2020
    Brodie Wav

    Kobe my first pick

  • Apr 18, 2020
    Brodie Wav

    Kobe my first pick

    already took him

  • Apr 18, 2020
    Jeff Bezos Stan

    What up everybody, I figured this might be a fun idea. All time NBA draft, everyone votes on what the best roster is

    15-20 teams, 10 rounds per team

    Quote if youre in

  • Apr 19, 2020
    Jeff Bezos Stan

    What up everybody, I figured this might be a fun idea. All time NBA draft, everyone votes on what the best roster is

    15-20 teams, 10 rounds per team

    Quote if youre in

  • Apr 19, 2020
    2 replies

    This week I sat down for a conversation with NBA superstar LeBron James.

    Me: Hey LeBron, thanks a lot for taking the time to this interview.
    LeBron: Yo this interview is about ME LeBron James, I am the greatest, don't make this about you, you are nothing.
    Me: Ok... Anyways you had a great all star game and your team, the Miami Heat, are in second place in the East. How do you feel going in to the second half of the year?
    LeBron: Second place is for losers, I am the greatest so I must be in FIRST place.
    Me: But your in second place :joe:
    LeBron: No the greatest can't be in second place :eyeroll:
    Me: Alright then. How has playing with Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh affecting your play?
    LeBron: Well I do believe the greatests p**** must be abnormally large.
    Me: Wtf..... I asked about Chris Bosh and Dwayne Wade.
    LeBron: LeBron already told you, this interview is about LeBron, does LeBron need to tell you again?
    Me: No. LeBron doesn't. How badly do you want to win a championship in future years?
    LeBron: LeBron can do that since LeBron has reached his primary goal.
    Me: Isn't winning a championship you primary goal?
    LeBron: No being the greatest is LeBrons primary goal.
    Me: You can't be the greatest without a championship.

  • Apr 19, 2020

    This week I sat down for a conversation with NBA superstar LeBron James.

    Me: Hey LeBron, thanks a lot for taking the time to this interview.
    LeBron: Yo this interview is about ME LeBron James, I am the greatest, don't make this about you, you are nothing.
    Me: Ok... Anyways you had a great all star game and your team, the Miami Heat, are in second place in the East. How do you feel going in to the second half of the year?
    LeBron: Second place is for losers, I am the greatest so I must be in FIRST place.
    Me: But your in second place :joe:
    LeBron: No the greatest can't be in second place :eyeroll:
    Me: Alright then. How has playing with Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh affecting your play?
    LeBron: Well I do believe the greatests p**** must be abnormally large.
    Me: Wtf..... I asked about Chris Bosh and Dwayne Wade.
    LeBron: LeBron already told you, this interview is about LeBron, does LeBron need to tell you again?
    Me: No. LeBron doesn't. How badly do you want to win a championship in future years?
    LeBron: LeBron can do that since LeBron has reached his primary goal.
    Me: Isn't winning a championship you primary goal?
    LeBron: No being the greatest is LeBrons primary goal.
    Me: You can't be the greatest without a championship.

    Crying Lmfao

  • Apr 19, 2020

    This week I sat down for a conversation with NBA superstar LeBron James.

    Me: Hey LeBron, thanks a lot for taking the time to this interview.
    LeBron: Yo this interview is about ME LeBron James, I am the greatest, don't make this about you, you are nothing.
    Me: Ok... Anyways you had a great all star game and your team, the Miami Heat, are in second place in the East. How do you feel going in to the second half of the year?
    LeBron: Second place is for losers, I am the greatest so I must be in FIRST place.
    Me: But your in second place :joe:
    LeBron: No the greatest can't be in second place :eyeroll:
    Me: Alright then. How has playing with Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh affecting your play?
    LeBron: Well I do believe the greatests p**** must be abnormally large.
    Me: Wtf..... I asked about Chris Bosh and Dwayne Wade.
    LeBron: LeBron already told you, this interview is about LeBron, does LeBron need to tell you again?
    Me: No. LeBron doesn't. How badly do you want to win a championship in future years?
    LeBron: LeBron can do that since LeBron has reached his primary goal.
    Me: Isn't winning a championship you primary goal?
    LeBron: No being the greatest is LeBrons primary goal.
    Me: You can't be the greatest without a championship.

    legendary post

  • Apr 19, 2020

    Giannis #1

  • Oblivion ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ญ
    Apr 19, 2020
    Jeff Bezos Stan

    What up everybody, I figured this might be a fun idea. All time NBA draft, everyone votes on what the best roster is

    15-20 teams, 10 rounds per team

    Quote if youre in

  • Kr0niic โ˜˜๏ธ
    Apr 20, 2020

    And the first pick of the all time Nba Draft. Kr0niic selects..... Jayson Tatum

  • Apr 20, 2020
    Jeff Bezos Stan

    What up everybody, I figured this might be a fun idea. All time NBA draft, everyone votes on what the best roster is

    15-20 teams, 10 rounds per team

    Quote if youre in

    im in

  • Apr 20, 2020

    we should do this on 2k